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Hi, everyone!

Following our huge Ryzen Revisit effort (lots of behind-the-scenes work on that), we decided to spend some time to catch up on other obligations. That Ryzen Revisit content took the better part of a week for us, and I've had the "Get GN Store Live" item on my to-do list the entire time. Working with our new shirt printing company, we've finally gotten the shirt samples (and they turned out great -- shirt quality is high), DNS pointing, and other needs sorted for the merch store.

For folks who'd like to support us but can't necessarily justify the higher Patreon monthly costs, we now have the store online for you! That's available here:


For anyone who is a $14 or $20 backer, you've hopefully already received a message from me (and long-standing backers should already have received shirts). If you have not yet received either a shirt or a message from us, please reach out!

We currently have three SKUs: (1) the GN logo shirt, with front+back logos, (2) the #STEVEISM shirt, and (3) the new GN Graph shirt design, which you can see me wearing in our Ryzen Revisit video here .

The company handling our shirts is the same that handles the shirts made & shipped by Paul (Paul's Hardware), Kyle (Bitwit), and Level1 Techs. If you know their shirt quality, you'll know ours! The company will ship internationally. Patreon backers of $14 and $20 tiers do not have to pay for shipping (or anything), so you should already have your shirts; if not, and if we haven't reached out and asked for a size preference, please ping us.

Otherwise, see you soon in other content!

- Steve.





Just picked up one of the "graph" t-shirts! Stoked there is finally a store!