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Hey everyone,

I feel like we're finally getting some level of control back after months of nonstop reviews. We're making a lot of organizational changes and other behind-the-scenes updates to try and improve processes. Just to give you a look at the past couple weeks, we hit Thanksgiving with the usual Black Friday / Cyber Monday buyer's guide content, which is a lot of work, then ran into the 3060 Ti and 6900 XT reviews. I went in for a surgery for an old injury on the same day as the 6900 XT review went up, then was back in the office the next day to work on Cyberpunk content. The team has been burning through content hard, and this past 10 days or so, I finally personally hit a period where I wanted to back off the throttle a little bit. That's why, for the first time in probably a few years, we actually skipped several video uploads to the main channel. It was good for the team. The rest of the team has off for several more days, then Andrew will come in and work with me on the Disappointment PC build next week. I'm working on just catching-up now and feel good about work after having had about a week of low publication output. We'll probably take a break like that once a quarter, just because it does help to sort of re-evaluate what projects are active and finish some of them.

We have a new-hire starting in January, but it's someone that a few of you may remember from old, old videos. Patrick Stone (not to be confused with Patrick Lathan) has been working with me on-and-off for about 8 years. He was the first person I tried to hire back in ~2014-2015, but we just didn't have the ability to make it work at the time. Andrew ended up being the first hire, which worked out great, clearly, and then Patrick and Keegan came on full-time. Everyone here, including Patrick Stone (or just "Stone," as we call him, to avoid confusion with the many other Patricks) has now been working with me in some capacity for about 8-9 years. Keegan the longest -- he started at no pay and just free travel. That was the arrangement back when we were mostly a website, and he'd help me report on esports events and gaming conventions. At some point along the way, he was handed a camera and asked to help guard the tripod while I filmed something on a show floor. We eventually started making money, so he started doing contract work while attending school. Andrew came on board, then Patrick, and then Keegan has been our full-time video editor and camera operator for about a year, but we've all known each other for a long time. I actually know all three of these guys from high school, and Patrick Stone is another that we know from the same era.

Anyway, I'll write-up a separate thing about Stone shortly and will likely have him join me on camera in a main channel video as an introduction. He's got over a decade of computer engineering education experience, he has network engineering experience, and a lot of knowledge in key areas where I'm limited. The goal is to start doing some more educational content. He actually wrote the NVIDIA Ampere architecture deep-dive that we published (as a video) a few months ago, so if you saw that video, you already know his quality is high.

That's some behind-the-scenes for you. TLDR, I'm feeling pretty good after about 7-10 days of low content uploads. The team will be back in next week after a long break, but I'll be uploading content that we already completed in the meantime. Thanks for the patience!

- Steve


Behind the Scenes: Organization, Processes, & Testing Room Updates

We filmed this back before the 3060 Ti launched, but it slipped through the cracks. Contains some behind-the-scenes shots of the testing room and organizational changes we made. We're at a point of needing to really min-max our space, just like back at the house, while we try to transition into a new location or expand the current one.



You guys 100% deserve taking breaks! Glad that the team is expanding...you can never have enough Patricks


Applicant: Yes, I'd like a job GN: What are your qualifications? Applicant: *slides business card across desk* GN: Say no more. Welcome aboard, Patrick.


Steve I am glad you guys are taking time this time of year. Hope you all are staying safe and healthy. Glad your surgery went well.


I'm glad to hear you're taking a break, you and your team deserve it. I wish you, your hair and everyone at GN a Merry Christmas.


Nice video. Much more relaxed than the YouTube content. Please bring more of it. Looking forward to 2021. Remember to take breaks. Health is important.

Sven Sauerwald

I can only agree with the other people that taking breaks is important and I'm happy that you are taking them, because in the long term not taking any breaks is going to turn into a burn out and we all know those last long or even make you never come back. So take care of your physical and mental health!


Lovely share. Nice to see someone like Stone join the team in a more dedicated, full-time capacity. Looking forward to another great year of content. And good for you guys for taking a bit of time off. I think it will pay off in the long term. Proud to see this channel grow, and proud to support.

Max Eliaser

Taking periodic breaks is the right decision.


> We'll probably take a break like that once a quarter Good! :) Taking breaks is important to help avoid burnout, and just for your general health.


I rather have you taking a break and keep it slow. Health and Time is something to be enjoyed and not ruined and rushed :).


Steve and GN crew - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here's hoping that 2021 continues your success, and is overall better for all of us!


Hi - could someone please link me the Discord invite? Thanks!