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If you skip this one, you're not missing much -- but we spent about an hour tidying-up the set room. It doesn't mean much if you don't live it every day, but for us, this cleaning process afforded us a huge amount of extra space to move. Doing something as simple as managing cables and getting them off the floor has given us extra room to move the tripods another ~4" back, which is enough of a movement to mean that I no longer have to duck to get behind the set table. Huge usability improvement, in that regard. We also plugged all the lights/lit objects into power strips, then we just flip a switch to enable them for the shoot. This involved raising them high enough that crawling on the ground isn't necessary to turn on the studio lights, for instance.

It's all stuff that you'd never think about unless you were here. We're trying to maximize the space we have to work as efficiently as possible. Thus far, with the set overhaul, it's been a big success. We have gained back about 1/3 of a room that can now be used for a test bench, with the remaining 2/3 being the overhauled set.

Our next step is to overhaul another office room and remove some furniture, then replace it with training tables and PSU testing equipment. The PSU equipment is large and won't fit on our current (extra) table, so that'll be replaced this week. We'll probably film that BTS and give you all a teaser to our PSU review content.

Lots going on lately. We've really been limited by our space over the past month or two, and so the last week has been dedicated to fixing that. Lots of organization, but we've somehow managed to get more space without getting rid of a ton of stuff.

Oh, and there's a visible floor now.

- Steve


Patreon BTS: Timelapse of cleaning the setroom

Just some bonus content while we've been overhauling the set.


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