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Thanks for your continued encouragement of what we do! Computex was great this year -- it seems that we managed to cover more types of hardware and get deeper coverage than last year, plus added some vlog coverage. The power component discussion on all the boards was new for us.

This week, we'll be posting a final review of the GE-series laptops from MSI, the review of the EVGA 1080 Ti SC2 Hybrid, and will be working on some other content pieces prior to the big X299/Intel coverage. Planning for that is taking a lot of time, as always, but it should be a good content piece. We are also looking in to a camera upgrade (ours has been in service for 3-4 years), but aren't 100% set on one yet. That's coming soon. I am curious to know how many of you actually like 4K uploads, though -- we'll probably run a poll at some point.

For new Patrons/backers, some  info on shirts & Discord: If you have not yet received a shirt, we ship twice a month, so those will go out soon. We are currently low stock on the GN Graph logo, but will be  refreshing that once our printer has room on the production line. For Discord, if you haven't connected your account directly, you can join here: https://discord.gg/u4F5fQc


- Steve



Signed up for Patreon to just to send some love here =) Thanks for all the content.

gamersnexus (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-26 05:27:38 いつもありがとうございます! 一緒にデュエルしたい…🤤
2017-06-11 20:47:49 Thank you for the support! It really does help us a lot.

Thank you for the support! It really does help us a lot.


Steve in 4K would be a dream :D


From what i see, i dont notice much difference of quality with 1080p v. 4k video. I really like the 60 fps though. Maybe the higher quality camera will make a good amount of difference with the uploaded videos, but when i compare a video set to 1080p vs. 4k, not much difference to me. I'm not using a 4k display though

Silver Shaman

With my internet I can only watch at 480p, but the content is so good I really don't care. Just keep on educating and entertaining guys. You do a great job and provide a valuable service.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-09 08:06:53 +1 -- temporal resolution >>> spatial resolution
2017-06-16 03:26:29 +1 -- temporal resolution >>> spatial resolution

+1 -- temporal resolution >>> spatial resolution


discord link says the instant invite is invalid or expired


When I click the Discord link it says the invitation has expired or is not valid?


I was able to get it to work through the email, never mind. Thanks!