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And here they are !
The last sleps behind the creation of my very best piece of art ! <3

tomorrow I will upload a kinky story to go along with this art !
It will be available to 8€ patreons so stay tuned if you are one of the lucky fellows who will see it on release !

Other than that you can see by the amount of steps that were made today how much time and care went into this one, and it's all for you guys, to thank you for your support, I would have felt guilty if I didn't give it my whole <3

I'm gonna go now ! It was a big day today, and my pillow is calling my face, both want to make out passionatly for hours, so what can I do but comply :p
Love y'all, mwah ! <3
And see you tomorrow with the story, or the next day for more drawings ! 




My boy~ such a bottom, not even with two girls around his pathetic excuse of cock can get hard, he only lives to serve superior beings like a good beta boy