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Right now I'm shadowbanned on all platforms so while I'm trying to fix that I'll be doing simple/faster art pieces and commissions since my art is being censored anyway. It's a good time to catch up on things while I am unable to grow my platforms. But I'm not skimping out on the art! In fact there just will be a higher volume but with no backgrounds basically since backgrounds slow me down. Plus I think I will have to delete a good amount of posts so you guys are basically getting even more exclusive content too lol. If you have any tips on how to unshadowban myself I'd love to hear it! I hope everyone has a great week!



Densetsu Meru

There's always the option of making an alt account for the 'extra horny' stuff for followers that know and then use your main one for all the more seiso content for a more public/general audience. Otherwise getting unbanned seems to be kind of an ongoing mystery aside from directly appealing to the platform CEOs but usually that seems like kind of a wash.


Isn’t there something where you have to go into your account on a pc and unlike all the recommended interests? I’m just guessing.


Bout to have the best 10 minutes with her 😏. Also, I hope you get your shadow ban sorted out. It sucks when that happens


I did that but no change. The last time I was shadowbanned on Twitter I was able to do that and the ban was like immediately lifted. I've noticed a lot of artists are shadowbanned right now who usually don't get shadowbanned so there must be something going on


Ya that's an option. The only issue with that is my art output is quite slow so keeping up 2 accounts and posting regularly will be too much for me. But I'll think it over and maybe I could make that work somehow


Thank you!! It really stresses me out but I'm probably stuck in the land of shadowban for at least a month


Aki, you better have good clothes today lest evidence of our..... exercise reveals itself down your thighs. Shadow banning is such bs. I hope you find a way out of it or around it.


Thanks! I'm trying out a lot of things right now but hopefully it at least doesn't last longer than a month. That's about how long I was shadow banned last time