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Gotta hit the gym to stay in shape for all the battles and we all know that Mirko puts more than 100% into anything she does!

I decided to give her the claw foot prosthetic since it made more sense to me in a gym setting more so than the rabbit foot prosthetic and I went with the hand prosthetic over the new giant hand/blaster thing in the newest chapters so that she can lift properly. Hopefully that makes sense. Maybe it doesn't but all well! Also I've decided I can't do a full scene MHA drawing without Mineta. I can't help myself. I have to put him in it doing something ridiculous or stupid lol.

Also, sorry for the lack of posts this week! I got busy this week making art for Christmas presents for my family but I have finished all of that so I will be back to posting more regularly until Christmas! 

Also, I didn't really have anything to post today on my socials so I will be posting this. I like to give posts here at least like 12 hours before posting it everywhere but I couldn't finish this yesterday before going to bed. But I'll make it up to you guys! I'll draw something with an exclusive edit sometime this week to compensate. Sorry! 

Thank you for your support and I hope you guys have a great weekend!




Have a good weekend 🤘🏾😎