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Lol I didn't expect the post to not exceed the goal but right now it is hurting for likes so we might not get to see this posted. I think it might hit the goal but it will take another day or 2. Quite disappointed. All well. You win some you lose some. I hope we can continue the game though




Fingers crossed it gets the attention it deserves, I'd love to see this keep going


Oh my god, im totally loving her curves! 😳🥺💞

Densetsu Meru

Well the power of booba should compel people. Hopefully. I had saw someone else who didn't get much engagement and they like posted a link to their ko-fi (or similar) and said that if people wanted whoever to strip they could make donations. Haha.


lol I wouldn't do that. I think I set the goal for the first one too high though. I was feeling a little embarrassed that I was having a hard time reaching the goal but this one had a good turn out at least. I was planning on ending it after the 4th image but maybe I'll keep it going if the turnout keeps getting better