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I'm American and the American Thanksgiving holiday is this Thursday! Because of that, I will be out of town from Wednesday-Sunday to spend time with my family. I think I'll be able to finish one more drawing before the holiday and hopefully when I get back I'll have another drawing done by next Monday.

I really want to do another strip game but with the holidays coming up I have not decided which week will be the best for me to do it. I think maybe the second week of December. I should have the personalized Christmas gifts I'm making my family done by then so I should be able to devote all of my drawing time to completing the strip game. Or maybe starting it Tuesday after Thanksgiving? That deviates from my MWF schedule though so maybe not... IDK. I'll think about it over the holiday lol.

Anyway, sorry for the long post! It's been a while since I've posted on here because I was trying to bang out a couple of commissions. I hope you like this one though! Have a wonderful week! <3 




Nice drawing as always, hope you enjoy your holidays!


Thanks! You too! (If you celebrate thanksgiving that is. If not then I hope you enjoy your week! :D)


Enjoy your holidays 🤘🏾😎🤘🏾