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.... but I don't...

lol do you guys like Sapporo beer?




I don’t have any particular choice in alcohol. I just drink whatever is given to me. 😂

Densetsu Meru

As far as Japanese beers go, I prefer Asahi or Hitachino.


I don't drink. Just never cared for it


Easy to please then! XD I'm super picky when it comes to alcohol lol. Basically I'll drink anything that's sweet


Interesting. I was between Sapporo and Asahi for Aki-Chan's choice of beer but choice Sapporo because I liked the can design better lol


I used to drink more frequently but now that I'm getting older I find that I am becoming more and more sensitive to alcohol lol. Now even if it's just one glass of wine or one small cocktail I'll wake up with a headache so I hardly drink nowadays


I also have the mad Brimley disease so with the insulin and whatnot alcohol is probably not a good idea


I don't drink at all. I just need my trusty water bottle to get me through a hot day.

dismaidenart (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 23:14:04 Good! Stay hydrated <3
2022-08-26 02:35:38 Good! Stay hydrated <3

Good! Stay hydrated <3