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Uber is coming out with a new service called Uber Classic where the cars are at least 100 years old. Plus we talked about Japanese X League American football and how Hank Hill and Peggy Hill are cousins and debated the merits of buying a box of 500 identical California Raisins toys




Tower 7 was flakked by the North Tower and a massive fire started and burned through every floor uncontrollably so they control demo’d it. The conspiracy was like ‘well there was a CIA / DEA office in there’ and it’s like, yeah, it’s downtown Manhattan. The only Uber driver I remember is when I was coming back from a convention in Pittsburgh in March off 2022 and I made a slightly ‘I don’t care about Ukraine/Russia’ remark off-handedly, and he turned around almost 180 degrees at 80MPH to yell about how he just got back from flying Drones for the Ukrainians. Very cool, thank you!


The Uber ride that I have seared in my mind the driver was a hispanic lady who didn't speak English, with her 10-ish year old son in the passenger seat. She was one of those people with an addiction to chewing on ice and had a king-size cup of ice she got at Checkers and kept shoveling handfuls of it into her mouth and munching down. Also, her kid was playing rap music with extremely explicit lyrics on the car stereo, and she clearly had no idea how inappropriate the music was. Edit: Wait, I lied, I just remembered another. An old Cuban ex-pat picked who me up in a shitbox jeep. We were talking about what Miami used to be like back in the 80's and he starts telling me in explicit detail how much easier, and how much better seeing a prostitute was back in those days. Also, he was pro-Castro which is real weird to hear from an ex-pat.