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This week we finish off the leftover requests that we didn't get to last week, and then do whatever the %&$# we want for the next 90 minutes of so.  "whatever the %&$# we want" includes blue lives matter beavis and butthead trying to throw up, a bald guy getting upset at his daughters snapchat, some ghost hunters, and maybe the most depressing podcast you've ever seen.  Enjoy!

If you need a follow back or VIP please let us know below! Gentle reminder not to request videos under this one (go to last weeks request video!) or else we will most likely miss it.  The mugs have finally shipped! And the cinnamon ground long sleeves will go out later this month.

Love you bye bye xoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Deavis and Dutthead



I just upgraded to the top tier. Am I out of luck on past merch?


naw you're good, it just takes time to "earn" it. The ship out merch every 3 months at that tier. Looking at your profile you should get the SOME BIRD shirt next month 👍


like father like sone impregnating his son the whole time mistakenly made me spit out my soup lol