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Well it's 14:30pm, we're still in september, i finished just in time !

I had artistic freedom to do what I wanted. So I wanted to draw them doing what they ALWAYS DO, becaus I'm uncreative as can be. And it's hot. So hot there's a fireplace, kinda, it can barely be seen. I still kinda kept with the season themes that all Ortie pics went by and the only one left was winter. The spring one doesn't feel all the springy and there's two summers. Most of them don't feel very seasonal in all honesty.

But whatever the 4 seasons of Vivaldick is complete-ish

Also Disintegrity 120 hd :

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rqvbs0AhHkXSvBJQgKu35UspVeCur6CM?usp=sharing - old and new

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1axdXteUc7pbZZD6PljuDC7JINqTEkRoV?usp=sharing - just new




great ass on him as always cute feet too


Oh Orite, our frenzied little sex plant always seems to get what he wants. And we're thankful for his human sex doll's service.


cozy AF also, as always, get you boyfriend who looks at you the way Ortie looks at his baker 😍


Good that Ortie doesn't stick to all his plant habits and doesn't go into winter rest. Obviously not dried out during autumn, either. Lucky baker 😊


Oh, Disintegrity 120 is the one with "I'll poke holes wherever I want!" 😃


Someone had the idea that the plant should change colors depending on the season and I wish I had thought of that before. That wuld have been fun to have different "skins" for him, so to speak