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I almost wrote "yagm 54 remake !" as a title... Well anyway, this page ? Took me a WHIIILE. You wouldn't think so, but it did. I'm not entirely happy with the thought bubble placement... onomatopoeia and speech bubbles placement can be torturous cos I change the dialog too much, so I end up spending a long time trying to make it fit again.

Otherwise, the ultimate plot reveal happens : this comic was about love. Not just about dumbasses fighting then sexing randomly. LOVE.




yayyyyy, LOVE wins. roussel, turn around and put your hand out, pick him up, and both walk into the sunset together... after another cute sex scene maybe ^.^


Shippun has allways been in love with Roussel, why else would he let him get away all the time? Just like Larsen with Zee, except for the real beating up.


nuttin' says 'love' like jackin' it while thinkin' 'bout givin' head!


the number of apostrophes in this exclamation is impressive!