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I've added the few pages I managed to do. They're taken at random, so it's an uncohesive read. Beware ! 

Turns out it still takes some hefty work to remaster those pages cos... some of them need more than a lifting, they need to be remade for various reasons. Some of them I saved wrong, so they're essentially impossible to lightly touch because they're too small. Others have poses that are too borked to keep. Some are also badly organized, like this one above.

Not that I've made strides, mind you ! It's still badly organized ! The red lines are the typical path eyes would go through the page. While it's slightly less confusing, the last panel encroaching between panel 2 & 3 remains an issue that can lead readers astray. So I'm aware it's still flawed. I'm just not a perfectionist.

Whatever, it's better anyway, we can all agree, right ? I wasn't even that bothered by that page originally, even then I knew it wasn't properly laid out. I thought the last panel's pose was cute and sexy, I still don't think it's all that bad yet it's not up to the standard I want for the whole comic. 

It's the same thing with other pages, like 39. The old 39 was fiiiiiine. It worked. The new one is just better. Shapes have more bounce, the lighting is less dramatic which changes the atmopshere a bit I'm aware but I like it better, I find it easier to read. Plus the shading is much better on a technical level, it's more cellshaded, less of the mismatch of soft and hard edged shadows.

Some of these old pages that I don't entirely dislike stil take very long cos even if it's not not completely awful, it doesn't mean it can be upgraded into being genuinely good, unlike the pages like 22. Old 22 was also fine but unlike old 52, the poses still fully worked. So beyond fitting to the characters more accurately, in that case Zee, who lacked the floof, the curvier eye and bigger nose of his more "advanced" design, there wasn't much to be re-done.

What might look quick and painless yet wasn't is page 90. It's one of those I saved wrong. So the new page 90 is entirely redone, not a single bit of it was taken from the older page whereas even the other heavily modified ones always have stuff remaining. 58's second panel is mostly untouched beside the new shading. 52's first panel is also mostly the same, second panel has some of the old linework. Despite appearances, Larsen's hand on 39 were taken straight from the original linework, albeit modified afterwards. But 90, it's all new. Okay, except for 3 things which I manage to save : the big letters. The spit you out, nnh and smak.

So yeah. That was random details.


Otherwise, I'm still working on the house. The upper floor where chambers are is nearing completion.

The nasty 70's dual layer of wallpapers were removed, the walls are now mostly all painted, so are the ceiling, one last wall needs a wallpaper since the exterior walls are very dark and would take too many coat of paint to cover properly. Those wallpaper are then meant to be colored instead of remaining white like all others.

Door and doorframes are not yet properly painted, but it's hardly a long effort. It's side activities

There's also some electrical wiring to do, I won't take care of that but it should bedone quick on the upper floor.

The last real big deal above is the flooring. It should be tiled with some plastic, I've no idea when and how it's meant to be laid down. That's is the last thing needed before we can actually move furniture.

But the whole first floor is nowhere near that complete. Wallpaper was loosely removed... That's it. The ceilings have some nasty cracks that we're not sure how to properly deal with. The kitchen walls are still covered in some nasty glue and thus in dire need of cleaning. The toilet have walls in nasty shapes, the floor is worse, apparently the previous tennants were a handicapped mother who died a while ago and her crazy son who remained in there longer. There was hearsay of them shitting on the floor, NICE ! It's not that dirty anymore but it's easy to believe they weren't fond of hygiene. After all, the one room that those who sold us the house completely redid was the bathroom, gee, why could that be...

Also there were a bajillions of big fucking spiders in this house, god damn.

Anyway, all that to say... It's not done. I couldn't give you an estimation before I can start working on actual new content in peace. Most of my days is spent scrubbing away at bullshit still, so you know. I don't wanna start something that would take me a lengthy on & off time to finish, it's frustrating.


Well, time to start another page. Let's hope it's one of the easy ones. I only have two hours before sleepy time....




Sounds like you’re getting a lot out of the proceeds of refactoring, which is great - going back through old stuff, still seeing the bits of brilliance you’re proud of, but also feeling real good about being able to apply new techniques born of experience you’ve gain since then... it can be awfully gratifying. :]


Oh, wait... reading 'Disintegrity' for the 17th time (or was it the 27th? Nevermind) I first now noticed that they are ripping apart that red couch of Zee's. Allways something new to discover...


Yeah, I've alwas liked this sort of comparison. It's the first time I do it on a comic scale tho.