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Breaking bad season episode 4 😁👍


Let's go, been loving the consistent uploads on these🔥🔥


Bro. That's a typical Mexican snack my boy. You just need some of that Tajin powder on that Mango 🥭 😋.


Don my ex fiance became a raging alcoholic. They begin to destroy their lives and they start dragging others down too. I have a business and since he and I were "tied" financially i could have lost EVERYTHING. Thank God I only lost $20,000. 🙏 But Jesse's parents probably have talked and talked and talked to him. Sometimes people " addicts and other" don't get it. I had no choice but to confiscate my fiance's car after " talking to him for years" in order for him to take me seriously and then I threatened to sue him. You love people but sometimes "YOU GOTTA CUT THEM LOOSE." In this example. Hank has some connections with Jesse. If they find out he is making meth in the home. The property can be repossessed by the Government. That's easily $250,000 home. They probably got burned by him too many times. Hence the formalities (lawyer).

Beast sama

Man i dont know a single person who likes Skyler. She acts like an entitled bitch


Bro Skyler isn't being a hypocrite she's literally doing it *because* Walt was doing it. She's making him know how it feels.


Don I feel like you're viewing Skyler through the lens that she has no reason to suspect Walt is up to something, but he literally is lmao

Chris Walsh

Hi don you should watch deadpool as your next movie. It’s a hilarious marvel comedy featuring Ryan Reynolds

Hong Ye He

Don one thought: Everyone knows not to smoke while pregnancy. So the assumption that one would smoke without being stressed is illogical. In Skylers case the viewer does not actually know what she assumes and knows so one can not judge whether she is stressed or not. Nevertheless have I came to the conclusion that Skyler is stressed, because she smokes even though she usually does not. I would not recommend smoking while pregnancy neither would I defend it. So to finish up: The fact that she smokes makes it clear that she is stressed. In an reliable way yes or no is the other individual question. Also was this a moment in the show with maximum tense and thoughts of reveal of Walt's meth-cooking secret, which makes this part of plot relatively logical to implement from regisseurs perspective. Loved your reaction btw!


I wish the busses in America would stop and honk and wait for you. At least around where i lived you had to be out and waiting otherwise you were starting your morning with a sprint.


Skyler is just fed up with all of walters lying and she keeps disappearing abd going out without saying where because thats what walter always does to her. So shes giving him a taste of his own medicine. If any its walters double standards thinking he should be able to go out mysteriously and not her. Good reaction as always thogh. Looking forwards t othe next one.


bros got me batting for Skyler shits crazy


waiting on seven deadly i aint gon lie just starting to get into peak

Kyler Cebula

frrr he got us good yesterday dropping breaking bad at the peak of 7ds i hope hes not gonna do us dirty today too


the guy is so invested right now he forgot to upload dw we'll get entire s2 in one go soon

Kyler Cebula

what lol this was the first time i acknowledged as peak, i guess its more of the beginning of the peak but its the start of the finale so its valid to say its peak

Evan Nelson

bro he needs to finish korra, theres only like 2 episodes left or something right?


facts its good now but peak action and animation is season 2 and peak story/lore season 3 and final movie

Andre Eames

Fuck Skyler. 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's because Jr. has CP, so ADA requires busses for those who need them to (the "short"busses) pick them up at their own home rather than a stop.


Exactly, Skyler is an annoying character don't get me wrong, but people really write her off for more than she deserves. What is she supposed to do pretend Walter clearly isn't keeping a secret from him and gaslighting her? lol

Koala Banana

for the record I appreciate the apology for eating. So many do it unapologetically and it's the worst.

Nathan Elkin

She was on his ass because she could tell he was lying, and then he went out of his way to lie about the phone AGAIN, and so she said fuck it, I'm not going to deal with him until he wants to grow a pair and tell me the fucking truth. She's a person too, Don. She would have been fine if he were honest and at least said he didn't want to talk about it, but he never did that. He kept making shit up or pretending like nothing was going on. Saying she ain't stressed is the most ignorant thing I've heard in a long time.

Sarah Espin

She knows he’s lying about having a second cell phone and you expect her to just take that and act normal? I don’t even like Skyler that much but it’s so annoying the amount of hate she gets.