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Hello guys! As you can see, I just recently started drawing pics with dialogues and I would like to hear your feedback about it :D

How do you like the "plot" in my last artworks and specifically in this one? Would you like to correct or add something to this artwork? I will be glad to hear your opinion or any advice!

(´。• ᵕ •。`)

Also I see what my patreon is reeealy grown up recently (⊙_⊙) Thank you for all your support!




I really love when dialogue is involved, really adds to scenes when captors get to comment or even tease/mock their captives. :) Your wordplay also strikes a fine balance of explaining but trusting the viewer to fill in the gaps. Do please keep it up if it's not too much extra work!


Dialogue really helps a lot to add to the plot to create a good scenario. You’ve been honestly excellent at this! I really enjoy this one! Your English is also very impressive! You should continue doing with this if it’s not adding too much work or stress, it’s adding to your pieces in very big way! ❤️


One of the best bdms sets I see on the year


I love the plots!! :)


I think dialogue adds a lot to your artwork, really builds the scene and can add to the enjoyment if the scenario is good. Well done as always!


The story is a nice addition and the art is really good, the perfect combination Also like the extra pages of backstory to the image