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Hello everyone,

Unfortunately will not be able to release a new build for you all tonight, but want to provide a full picture of everything planned for the Character Creation update.

Firstly, you will be able to set the starting stats and maximum potential values for both characters. In the initial build you will have free reign to put whatever stats you want. In later builds there will be a limited number of points based on your selected difficulty setting. And after completing the game (or playing the backer edition - which you'll automatically have access to as patrons), you'll be able to select unlimited points if desired.

In addition to spending points on these starting attributes, you will be able to select a limited number of perks and curses for each character. 

Perks are bonuses that help them while Curses hinder them. Curses will be entirely optional, save for potential potions that will grant random perks/curses. There will be two types of Perks/Curses - Scaling and Non-Scaling. Simply put, scaling perks and curses are able to level up further and become more potent, while non-scaling remain the same.

These are the currently planned perks and curses.

Scaling Perks: Gifted, Easy Gainer, Fast Learner, Adaptive Reactions, Adaptive Metabolism, Adaptive Tendons.

These will boost experience for all/muscle/intelligence/reaction/endurance/flexibility experience respectively.

Nonscaling Perks:

Alchemical Sensitivity - Character receives double the bonus or penalty from drinking a potion

Magical Sensitivity - Character receives double the bonus from amulets and focusing lasers

Observant - Character receives +10 effective luck during activities with a chance to find items

Scaling Curses: Cursed, Hard Gainer, Slow Learner, Maladaptive Metabolism, Maladaptive Tendons

These are the curse equivalent of the scaling perks, each level will reduce experience gained for all/muscle/intelligence/reaction/endurance/flexibility respectively.

Nonscaling Curses:

Magicless - Character receives no effect from amulets or focusing lasers.

Alchemical Nonresponder - Character receives no effect from potions.

Ignorant - Character receives -10 effective luck during activities with a chance to find items

Here's the current release plan:

Alpha 1 (Ideally released before Dec 7):

- Ability to set characters' starting stats and potential caps

- Ability to select perks and curses for each character

- Ability to buy perks at Chance's

- Change Excellent Evolution Potion to grant/improve a random perk

- Implement Chaos Potion that gives a random perk/curse

Alpha 2 (Ideally released before Dec 14):

- Opening cutscene for custom characters that changes based on characters' starting stats

- Modifications to other cutscenes to accommodate for these differences

Beta 1 (Ideally released before Dec 21):

- Point-buy system for character creation

- NPC who can give one character perks at the expense of the other receiving curses

Beta 2 (Released if/when needed):

- Fix any bugs found between Beta 1 and Public Release

I have other ideas for Perks and Curses for the future (especially regarding Height, which will likely be revamped as a whole in an upcoming update), but would like to hear your ideas for them as well. If anything fun comes to mind, please share it in the comments or through a direct message to me.

Thanks again for your continued support and patience. Completely understand if anyone needs/wants to modify or delete pledges over the delay.

Hope you enjoy everything to come,

- Magnus


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