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Hello everyone,

Beta 1 of contests and workouts is here. With it, the update is content complete and the remaining changes revolve around mechanics polishing and bug fixing.

Here are the notes for Beta 1:

Added in Beta 1:

- Fixed descriptions for Punching Bag / Jump Rope / Sprinting together

- Performing these activities alone now summons a description

- Endurance chamber contest descriptions greatly expanded.

- Flexibility contest descriptions greatly expanded.

- Solo jogging for characters now functions.

- Jogging together descriptions greatly expanded.

To be added in Beta 2:

- Rebalance/Diversify contest rewards and activity XP gains

- Stamina costs / experience gains for contests

- Times that the contest hall is closed and specific starting times for the contests (with ability to arrive early and wait until the contest starts)

To be added in future Updates:

- Expanded running activity descriptions (will be changed into something similar to the current Jogging)

- Randomized dialogues for Walking activity based on in-game variables (similar to the current quick-talks in the living room)

- Updated main story revolving around defeating all of the contests to gain special metals that are used to build the Goddess chamber.

- Champion NPCs who appear in each of the contests (all of them very impressive women).

- Race contest with GF

- Stretching activity descriptions

- Phone game activity descriptions


Patreon reorganization poll:

After giving some consideration, a monthly campaign instead of per creation might be better suited for FMG Life Sim.

Here's what I currently have in mind for a restructure:

Campaign changed to monthly charge with ability to pay upfront.

Immediately access all content on Patreon.

$1+ gets access to polls

$5+ gets name of their choice in Special Thanks (must directly message me with the name you want) and access to raw content releases (such as text files of descriptions)

$10+ gets access to newest available builds. There will be at least 1 build on the last day of each month, and ideally smaller builds before this.

Instead of each update being "The (subject here) Update" they will simply be titled after the month/year they're released.

On the last day of each month that month's final build will be posted on Patreon, with potential smaller builds earlier in the month.

Each finalized build will be released on Gumroad 1 month later, and publicly 1 month after that (2 months after Patreon debut)

This will further incentivize Patreon, while also giving a definitive release date for each public build.

Please vote in the poll to let me know if you are or are not ok with the proposed changes. 

As always thanks for your continued patience and support - hope you enjoy everything to come!



Monthly payments work, provided there is monthly content. A per creation setup is ideal if you aren't going to be able to provide monthly releases. Given that you have consistently released content every month I am more than happy to switch to a monthly payment plan.


Found a bug in one of the if conditionals for $get is not defined for the punching bag workout at relatively moderate levels of growth for the player.