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Hello everyone,

This post contains Alpha 4 of More Workouts and Contests, along with serving as this month's paid post.

Here are the notes for Alpha 4:

Content Additions:

- Expanded descriptions for Sprinting Contest

- Expanded descriptions for Marathon Contest

- Expanded descriptions for Video Game Contest

- Expanded HoloChess Contest Descriptions

- Added Nightmare Collar interactions for Sprinting/Marathon/Video Game/HoloChess/Endurance Chamber/Flexibility Contests

Minor Changes:

- Added minimum stat requirements for entering Sprint, Marathon, Flexibility, and Endurance contests

Bug / Unintended Behavior Fixes:

- Ability to visit the Quick College no longer removed after Coaching perk is gained.

- Art now properly appears for GF muscle level 22 general description

- Fixed unintentional display of /'s during Nightmare Collar descriptions

- Fixed visual error when loading yellow focusing crystal into focusing laser

Additional Cleanup:

- Removed more remnants of removed beauty stat

- Commented out full restore from test room (this item was never properly implemented, but is intended to be added in the future - especially when it will be more useful, such as for a Cave Exploration Adventure update)

- Ran a few more passages through double space remover

Unfinished for this update (coming in next beta/alpha):

- Fix descriptions for Punching Bag / Pull Ups / Jump Rope / Sprinting; restructure code so performing these activities alone summons a full description

- Implement times that the contest hall is closed and specific starting times for the contests (with ability to arrive early and wait until the contest starts)

- Revamp Walking/Jogging/Running activity

- Stamina costs / experience gains for contests

- Further expand marathon descriptions so that the GF can fail to complete the marathon, and to further flesh out the champion

- Further expand video game contest descriptions, introduce new champion character (muscular martial artist girl who cosplays as her main character)

- Expand Flexibility Contest Descriptions

- Expand Endurance Chamber Contest Descriptions

- Rebalance/Diversify contest rewards and activity XP gains

Unfinished business pushed to future updates:

- Ability for player character to go diving

- Ability for player character to enter contests

- Stamina costs / experience gains for NPC contests

- Require buying multiple sets of dumbbells/treadmills/pull up bars/jump ropes, etc for both characters to train together (along with possible price reduction to accomodate)

- Expand Quick College Massaging Training Description

- Expand Massage Descriptions

- Expand Stretching Descriptions

- Expand Phone Game Descriptions

Unfortunately the full update has not been finished yet, and I clearly falling behind on the Patreon paid posts in terms of total updates finished.

Will try to increase the pace of releases, but might end up switching to a monthly schedule for the Patreon if I'm unable to do so. Completely understand if the current rate of progress isn't enough.

Either way, deepest thanks to everyone who has supported this project on here despite the pace - hope you enjoy the content as it comes, and find it worth your time.



Glad to see these smaller updates and they give us more of a chance to bugtest and provide feedbacks. Keep up the great work!