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After what feels like ages, my new Midna model is finally finished! Thank you so much for your patience, everyone. You will be rewarded with many shortstacks.~ Now that I have this model, creating other shortstack characters will also be muuuuch easier and faster. Don't have any in the works yet, but I certainly have a few I'm thinking of making!

She's going to go up for download soon, but I need to use her for a few scenes first to iron out any overlooked issues before she's ready. You can expect a download in a week or two at most!




wow this looks fantastic :O tho i wonder, is the hair originally a different mesh from the rest of zhe body? or is it formed from the original basemesh?


The hair model is separate. If you're curious, I make my hair models by modeling them first as a curve object, converting them to a regular polygon object, then sharping the edges I want to sharpen!

Times Chu

Really great work! Do you think you'll do Wolf Link to match or just stick with Midna?


Probably won't make a Link model any time soon. Making a new character model from scratch takes aaaaages.