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Unpack the #SunkCostFallacy & FIX your Bags! Most Alpha-Packed Q&A covering everything from #Bitcoin, Miner Targets, & PoS to SOL vs ETH strategies. Overcome losses, trading insights, Wallet Security and more.

Live at 12pm Pacific: https://youtube.com/live/C0VFGJEbiAA


🚫Sunk Cost Fallacy! Fix Your Portfolio Now!💼

#Bitcoin #ETH $SOL $RON $CLSK $RIOT $ADA $DOT $THETA #Investing 📈 Sunk Cost Fallacy! Fix Your Portfolio



Question to the community: where do I can send questions for weekly Q&A? Thanks


Hi James! Huge fan of your work. Been following the YT channel for a few years now and decided to try out Patreon to get more in depth knowledge. Only regret is not doing it sooner and not allocating more funds to crypto. I know you are not able to provide any financial advice, but would you be so kind to review my allocation and provide your opinion on rotation? I am in my early 30s, married with no kids and looking to build a 2.5M portfolio in the next 5 years. The estimated value of my investment is 550k spread as follow. Your opinion is highly regarded and appreciated. Thanks! Asset Allocation VOO 32.21% VGT 20.91% BTC 11.00% ETH 8.40% Apple 7.63% Tesla 7.07% Nvidia 6.99% RIOT 3.95% Sol 1.57% Filecoin 0.45%