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Currently, my crypto allocation is more heavily weighted in SOL (Solana) compared to BTC (Bitcoin). 

My pure crypto allocation is skewed as previously, I had a high concentration in BTC, but with SOL's price surge from $20 to $100, it significantly altered my portfolio distribution. 

I haven't sold any SOL and still have faith in it as the consensus trade. 

I continue to buy both BTC and SOL, along with SOL-based altcoins. My portfolio of SOL and SOLALTS ie SOL-based altcoins. 

Note my SOLALTs have grown significantly and is now nearly twice the size of my ETH (Ethereum) holdings. This growth is a result of my initial experimentation with SOL and its related altcoins, and pair trading between them on spikes as we are testing out a new model which so far has proven to be quite successful.

Stay tuned - Happy Sunday Team




I’m sure you’ve seen it, but what do you think of the Mike Saylor video on him, pumping if you pass your bitcoin on him, he’ll double the value and thoughts on this? I feel like even though he is the ringleader with both the proxy and the bitcoin, what are the potential risks in doing this?


What are the retirement goals to hit, I can't seem to find them. The number of shares of BTC, SOL, TSLA, & MSTR for retirement?