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In the realm of digital assets, Bitcoin has emerged as a formidable contender to traditional gold investments. Since the introduction of the first gold ETF, gold has experienced a significant 6.17x increase. At that time, gold had a market capitalization of $1.5 trillion.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, currently has a market cap of approximately $0.75 trillion, making it half the size of gold's pre-ETF market cap. Bitcoin's unique attributes, such as near-infinite divisibility and a limited supply, with only 6.7% remaining to be mined over the next 116 years, present a compelling case for its potential growth. These factors, combined with the scarcity of Bitcoin, suggest that its value is not yet fully realized, offering substantial potential upside for investors.

thanks Sanjay for the chart 




Simple question everyone should be asking is did Blackrock get into Bitcoin to see it fail? It's a new shiny toy. I believe this is our last chance to get Bitcoin before prices go stupid.


Yes Blackrock and tsla may be doing damage.....in case Elon/CATL of China are destoryng value at Tesla. CATL and Elon may be destroy TSLA..... themselves this 2023 to 2024 in what appears on the possible service to liguidation of Tesla shares causing a rush out of it. And even on patreon one persona or two persona (maybe Elon) is trying to get James' mods to suprress and remove his youtube/memeber(s) that discuss Tsla issues that may be a huge huge problem. I compalined formally . But Not yet got the Mods to disclose who this avatar intherightplace is which is concerning to me Intherightplace 55min For goodness sakes, kick this damn bot (AIBO), it's insane 1 Aibo 47min Elon if that is you or your pal / eprsona above take notice: Hey i succesfully fought/saved many on this BNB/CZ related crypto bad actor of timeshres running scams on BNB...be nice CZ and SOl love me!! Mods this Elon persona maybe who complains needs your attention NOT AIBO ai who helps...kick out these that are pure fanbots like above (Aibo is a pet ai not a fanbot...a protecion security belvoed robotic ai dog who may bite). I wil heart shape like it so you can see IntheRight....stop trying to hide the truth and calling it intherightplace......