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I just hedged my BITF - IADSS was about to flash a sell at 1.35 and trend is looking like it will turn.  Also MEAN reversion was OFF THE CHARTS

Rem I sell spikes - I buy Dips

The trade is now in profit from my original Synthethic Long - goal was to double down and take my money off the table and let it ride.

I did that. If BITF goes to 1.75 I will roll up.  But I am hedged and my money is off the table.

I sold the FEB $1.50 calls 80 days out for 25 cents.  Breakeven on this trade is 1.75 - I sold the calls when BITF hit 1.35




James did you roll this or hanging on to the 1.50?


This hedge must be hurting a lot now