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Worst Stock Dilution Offenders last 12 Months stat ranked.  

Worst 3 

$CLSK - rem instead of taking on debt they sold shares to buy rigs to grow their hash from 3EH to over 10EH heading to 20EH



Best 3 (ie stock buybackers) 







Re TSLA, thought some might laugh at Scott Galloways newsletter quote today.. "Smart Zealots make good founders, but as companies mature, the ratio of their passion relative to the cost incurred by their difficult personalities erodes. Some (i.e., few) founders can make the transition... IE-Bill Gates from Australopithecus afarensis to Homo sapiens in a lifetime. The wealthiest man in the world, Elon Musk, is still dragging his knuckles across the floor at his companies. An antisemite who controls an influential media business and a global communications network — what could go wrong? Prediction: The records for the most shareholder value created and lost will be set by the same person. But I digress.


If CLSK does the same as in 2021 then it will be a wonderfull 2024.


He’s no anti semite. You’d know that if you knew anything about the man. So you can digress all you want.


I didnt write it, Prof G, Scott Galloway did, and I thought it was an interesting comment, in particular regarding the ability to evolve as ones power grows. Clearly Elon has not, he's childish, and has a habit of stoking shit. I dont think he is an antisemite either, but he is a "difficult personality" and I think the rest of the comment is very much on point. If you know about the man, as you appear to, and are objective, this shouldnt be something to debate.