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This is changing rapidly, almost unbelievably so.

Just a year ago, I believed it was impossible to have my Solana (SOL) holdings match the value of my Ethereum (ETH) – a goal I had set for a three-year period.

Surprisingly, it's now twice that amount.

Even more surprising, the value of my Solana is equivalent to 77% of my Bitcoin (BTC) which I have stacked since 2017. 




Can you show your portfolio percentage in all your assets including Tesla?


All feels a bit icarus though, too fast to soon.


Great work James and IA team.If dry powder was available what would you be buying? Very grateful to be apart of this community. Onwards and upwards!


but whats the difference in cost bases


From a risk perspective, will you balance back to BTC? Or will you simply layer out of Sol in the way up and where would you send your profits, to USD for the next dip? Thanks


Amazing.. My BTC is at about 55% and my SOL now close to 30. So happy I swapped some lame horses out to SOL months ago... Thank you James.


I have branched out and staked my solana.... amazing results. I can only imagine people with real money that have staked their solana. God is good!!


Oh I like this


I staked in the 10% pools ..... I get 0.970 Sol a week atm ..... It's exponential so soon ill get a whole sol a week lol.... cool.