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He promised support to Bitcoiners, but backstabbed miners in New York. 

After that I said, he is a politician who cannot be trusted. 

We need to get rid of all corrupt politicians, all over the planet.  Wonder can we bring honesty to politics by way of AI or a blockchain (just thinking out loud after a long week)

h/t to Sanjay for the TV shot - I do not watch TV




They're all the same. America is people over profit


Corruption runs rampant in both parties. Elections are no longer elections, they are selections. Where I live no one can figure out how same people keep getting elected and no one voted for them. I think the uni party (Republican & Democrats in charge) has one goal keep everyone divided, that way no one will concentrate on how bad the politicians actually are. I think everyone needs to realize that most corporations and news stations all drive an agendas, trying to shape how you think and feel. I for one refuse to be a part of it any longer. I cut the cord last month and do my own research and try to find common ground for all of us.