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Added 3% to my TSLA position at $214  on the nose. 

I bought the Jan TSLA JAN 16 2026 200.0 Call Net Debit 77.01

I sold the TSLA JAN 16 2026 210.0 Put Net Debit 48.76

My breakeven on this trade is for TESLA to be at $228.24 by Jan 2026. 

NOTE THIS USES MARGIN - Always have tons of margin before you sell a put.  WW3 could happen or some other black swan. 




Hi James, can you kindly please clarify how you attained at $228 Tesla breakeven price on this trade?


Difference bt the net debit on the call and put cost, added to his call price of $200.


What do you mean bought on margin


More than likely, James used harvested cash plus margin as collateral to cover his sold PUT. If Tesla were to fall due to a Black swan event, he could get a margin call..etc