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WARNING: It has come to our attention that a fraudulent Ledger app is present on the App Store.

Critical Reminder: Under no circumstances should you share your seed phrase with anyone. Doing so is akin to handing over your keys.

Safe Practice: Always download apps exclusively from verified sources, not app stores. Your digital security is paramount.




about 2 springs ago I had all my ETH drained. I transferred from CB to Ledger. Transaction was successful. I left for the movies and then when I got back ALL my ETH were transferred from my wallet to another. That wallet had 100s of ETH on it. I still have PTSD xfer from CB to ledger wallet.


Why download Ledger on your phone in the first place


If it makes this guy feel any better I lost about 20 BTC and ~80eth to FTX, CELSIUS, and a couple of other exchanges...


I feel your pain my friend. 11 BTC and $78K in cash at Celsius