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Nov 2023 update

modified for MSTR Holdings, ETHE GBTC and SOL holdings. 


GBTC ETHE GSOL MSTR Premium Disc Calculator Nov 2023

MAIN SHEET DO NOT CHANGE FORMULAE BTC PRICE,GBTC,BTC per GBTC,GBTC Discount over BTC,0.00093,Was,Delta $34,751.80,$26.70,0.00089749,-14.39%,Now,0.000939664,0.0007683055266,HISTORY,$29,749.64,BTC per GBTC June 2022,0.00092277,-49%,240% To own 1 Bitcoin w GBTC you #GBTC,1114.218543,$29,750,Last mth



Complete noob here...how do I buy GBTC? Also, how do I short shares...can I do both on Robin hood?


you should be able to buy GBTC using any broker - Robinhood, Schwab, etc. trades just like a stock


Thanks ..not on Trading212 unfortunately which is why I thought I was missing something.


I sold my GSOL position months ago. Should have held longer lol (I would have been up like 5X). Thank you James and team for showing me how CRAZY overpriced GSOL is. What a risky asset. Hopefully we will see true ETFs for BTC, ETH, and SOL soon (in the U.S.).