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I tell students constantly, I have four college degrees and if I were 18 years old and knew what I do now, I would do the following:

1. Drive to the apprenticeship hall

2. Sign up to be an apprentice 

3. Complete the apprenticeship program with 40+ college credits (debt free)

4. Finish the program at 22 making $100k+ per year

5. Use state scholarship dollars to finish my associates degree for free

6. Get a foreman and/or superintendent job for a construction company

7. Allow that company to pay for my bachelor’s degree

8. Then allow that company to pay for my MBA

9. Work hard to become an executive leader

10. Become the CEO at 40 years old

It’s time to shift the perception of success. It’s time to put more focus on a student’s passions, purpose, and plan than the status of where they sit to learn. 

hat tip to Sanjay for the inspiration! 




My relative was "invited" by the high school to leave, for being a smart ass. He got a plumbing apprenticeship at age 15, worked his ass off in his own plumbing business, rose to the top of the plumbing industry by plumbing new shopping centres being built. He never did any college but learned how to be outstanding at making money from plumbing. He ploughed his profits into a share portfolio and made a fortune. Now he plays a lot of golf.


I know what an apprenticeship is. But what is Apprenticeship Hall? Is it an actual place you can go to? Never heard that expression before.