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Hey Team

as I always say, my goals are not your goals. 

I spent the whole bear market accumulating both BTC & MSTR and mostly SOL on the Crypto side and recently been buying up a lot of Tesla.  My analysis confirms to me that Tesla will be the asymmetric Bet of the next 7 years as BTC is. 

When I share my trade alert - I do so openly and transparently in real time. I use tools like DCAS and IADSS to identify buying opptys but a big part of how I make decisions is 

1) balance between Equity and Crypto 

2) allocate between assets eg today swapping some GOOG for TESLA as I am fully deployed. 

Tesla today was hit on 2 fronts

First fear of UAW coming after tesla but after the recent news in Sweden - Tesla employees make so much on stock and other benefits they do not want Unions to jeopardize that

Second piece and probably more important is ON SEMI 

They warned about weakness in EV demand - which we know - but Tesla Model Y is #1 selling car on earth and Q4 is always strong as people buy new cars for Xmas.  I am stacking as much as I can at these levels like I did when Tesla hit 106 - a bet that paid off royally - I am playing the long game here.  This is just a buying oppty. 



agree...now is a good time buy again! Been DCA on the way down. Not sure i can find any more cash under couches.


James, I am buying again. Your “edutainment” is much appreciated. It’s good to know there is someone of a similar “ilk” even though you buy based on your particular circumstances. Ditto for me.