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80%+ of all Bitcoin has not been moved in 182 days

Bitcoin UTXOs younger than 6 months account for less than 20% of the total supply

This data is significant because it suggests that there is a large amount of Bitcoin that is not being actively traded. This could be due to a number of factors, such as:

  • Investors holding Bitcoin for the long term, believing in its potential as a store of value or digital gold.
  • Investors know there is a pre halving and post halving run
  • SPOT ETF is coming. 

The fact that so much Bitcoin is not being actively traded suggests that there is a strong underlying demand for the asset. This could lead to a price increase in the future, especially if the supply of Bitcoin decreases. And EVERYONE knows price will go up - just a matter of when.  Nobody in their right mind is selling here - per this chart above... .

Stay well my friends




Not surprised that lots haven't moved.. people can't access what was taken by Celsius, FTX etc


thank you James for keeping me on track and confident over the years.