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Hi Team

Quick update on major investment allocations. I decided this summer to only buy options and leveraged positions on MSTR.  The reason for this is I can generate much more return for far less capital.  In addition, having options will force me to sell.  Owning Bitcoin outright is hard to sell as we as humans get emotionally attached to such hard assets.  I have no such attachment to options.  Therefore, I am taking on an extraordinary amount of risk by investing in MicroStrategy (MSTR) options instead of pure form Bitcoin. As such, my allocations are very skewed and rem my goals are not necessarily aligned with your goals. 

If we remove MSTR from my portfolio, my allocation would be 72% Tesla (TSLA) and 28% Bitcoin (BTC). These values will vary as the prices of these assets fluctuate.

I understand that this is a risky investment strategy, but I believe that MicroStrategy is well-positioned to benefit from the price appreciation of Bitcoin into the halving cycle and beyond despite the insane amt of FUD. I am also extremely confident in Tesla's long-term prospects esp around FSD and Optimus.

  • "At a design review session one afternoon in February 2023, von Holzhausen put models of the Robotaxi and the $25,000 car next to each other in the studio. Both had a Cybertruck futuristic feel. Musk loved the designs. "When one of these comes around a corner," he said, "people will think they are seeing something from the future. And they will be able to drive themselves."

I will continue to monitor my portfolio closely and make adjustments as needed.






Your breakdown of how much the average BTC holder has in their wallet is uncannily accurate! I won't say where on the different tiers I lay, but you were almost spot on!


I won't say what layer I'm in either, but I find myself kind of a tweenie...I have pure BTC in 3 different accounts, but also have GBTC & MSTR also 3 different accounts ...so individually I'm in one tier each, but combined...puts me in another tier. Either way, happy and still plugging away!


Agree.. I like MSTR going fwd.


Thanks James, did you watch the interview on CryptoBanter with MS, very informative. Clever business man.