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Lot's of chatter about Bitcoin going to $9K by Gareth, Data Dash and others. 

I do not believe we are going to 9K, not 12K, not even 20K.  There is far too much demand and far too little supply. 

  1. LTH's hold 15M Bitcoin: and they are not selling. 
  2. 93% of all Bitcoin has now been mined. This means that only 7% of the total supply of Bitcoin is still yet to be mined.
  3. The world's largest asset manager, BlackRock, has filed for a Bitcoin spot ETF. This could potentially make it easier for institutional investors to invest in Bitcoin, which could drive up demand. Institutions are coming. 
  4. A mysterious wallet has accumulated $3 billion worth of Bitcoin in just 3 months. This suggests that there is strong demand for Bitcoin from large investors. I believe this could be a surrogate for Blackrock.  Mentioned this last Thursday 
  5. Europe has gotten its first spot Bitcoin ETF. This is another sign of growing institutional interest in Bitcoin.  This is on top of others in Brazil, Australia Sweden etc
  6. Only 6.3% of the total Bitcoin supply is left on exchanges. This means that a lot of Bitcoin is being held by long-term investors, which could reduce the supply available for trading.
  7. Bitcoin is about to undergo its third halving in just 238 Days. This will reduce the amount of Bitcoin that is rewarded to miners, which could further drive up demand.

All of these factors are contributing to a Bitcoin supply crunch. This will lead to higher prices for Bitcoin in the future.

Wise words on Twitter inspired this from thescalpingpro



From 9k structurally is btc going to reaching ATH even?


How about a video about worldwide m2 money supply? So not only usa but also to take into account japan china and europe? And maybe compare to BRICS? I think further internal dynamics will be manifested


I agree


Blah, blah, blah. I've heard all this before. The sky is falling! We're all gonna die! We all know this is manipulated! If this is true, why take it all down now? It would be smarter to get the majority of people's money first. Not this tiny percentage. I never trusted Gareth. Not from the start. And I'm a pessimist.


Thanks for your positive words. Of course, everyone has to make up their own mind, but it is good to hear a positive voice with substance compared to all the gloomy scenarios that are currently being published.Everbody stay on course. As my friend says " the future is bright"


Liquidity "burps" do happen tho James .. That's how I sold 40+ BCH at $4k each on Binance shortly after the air drop.. BCH had reached above $1.200 and I decided to place a limit order at $4k ... BOOOOM!!!! It hit..!! I'm not sure how; if pressed I'd say probably a "fat finger"(combined with low liquidity) open market order made it happen. And I've seen many price "flukes" happen too.. On the way down and on the way up. If using an exchange that is reputable, big yet not HUGE, these things do happen. That's why I've placed another limit order, this time of $300k for BTC at $16.778 .. I agree 100% that BTC at large will not hit that figure; but it COULD happen on an exchange.. as I've seen it happen a few times before in the last 10 years. Remember, probably only one guy on earth got $4k per coin for their BCH, that was me. So I'm skewed in that direction with a limit order.. This time to buy. I only trade once or twice every 2nd to 3rd year tho.


The only plausible rationale is the conspiracy theory that too many in the "underclass" hold BTC. The only way to maintain the current wealth inequality gap is to crash price and shake BTC from weak hands who cannot stomach the loss. Whales will buy all remaining BTC. The miscalculation is, TOO MANY PEOPLE KNOW THE VALUE OF BTC AND ARE AHEAD OF THE GAME...WE AIN'T SELLIN'!!!! 💎👐🏽


We know when to back the truck up! Every dip is another blessing and opportunity to secure our financial future!


Also have the same theory! I’ll hold my portfolio and see if all the hours spent researching and listening IA and others will be life changing…hope so, tired of corporate life and retrograde minds around. BTC ETH SOL TSLA Let’s see


Just in time...your the best James...Thanks for watching out for us!


Getting pretty use to and bored of hearing Garth keep banging on about bitcoin always is going lower and lower but still loves the asset …. And of course BTC just does what it does …. Stay Humble and Stack Sats …….


With less bitcoin on exchanges, the downward pressure would be significant if some whale like North Korea, as the FBI closes in, decided to dump


The “4th” (not 3rd) Bitcoin halving is in 238 days James. 3 previous were November 28, 2012, July 9, 2016, and May 11, 2020.


I can totally see (and I expect) Blackrock manipulate BTC price and get it to 15-20k by February 2024 before it just shoots up from there