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I just bought more Tesla at $228 even - may not be the bottom and my goals are not your goals but my plan was to layer in - harder per layer as we go. First layer 250, second layer 230, and so on. 

I got another option position $220 strike for Jan 2025 - breakeven $241 by Jan 2025 

Net debit is $21 - sold the puts and bought the calls - rem this you should only do if you have lots and lots of margin... rem I have a large HODL bag I sell puts against. 

The stock of Tesla ($TSLA) keeps dropping (down 20% compared to NDX's 5% since the 2nd quarter earnings report on July 19). This drop is due to concerns about prices, meaning people are worried that price cuts seen in China might happen everywhere. I personally think China's situation is unique, with deflation affecting all industries and a very competitive electric vehicle market. The specific pricing strategy and market conditions in China probably won't be the same worldwide.

In the third quarter, demand for Tesla in China is still strong. The most recent data shows that there were 14,000 insured units per week from August 7 to August 13. They are taking orders for Highland there now. Additionally, deliveries of the Cybertruck is already underway, which is expected to have a positive impact on Tesla's overall performance, much like what happened in 2020 when the Model Y launched.

Considering the stock's current price-to-earnings ratio, 40% Earnings CAGR, and my 2024 earnings-per-share estimate, Tesla is a $450 stock. Buying at half that for me is an oppty. Rem I loaded up big time when it was low 100's and I cannot find a better risk reward. 




Swapped some Google today.


I am waiting for the big wall street crash...gonna buy at 99 dollars a piece :)


Held out for 226 which I just got. Next LO 201. Added some Jun25 180/450 and 180/500 Bull call spreads and another Jan25 220 SL for good measure. Kinda hoping for more downside so I can hover up more shares and options.


Just bought a small bag at 226!


Love your analysis James


Why so much carnage?


James, on a SL, why not buy some cheap puts below those you sold? I know it reduces your credit, but also your risk and the required margin.


I just put in a SL order for 2 contracts; same strike/date. Net debit of $20; see if it fills


thank you again!! will be doing the same layering...let us know your snipes for th next 3 layers!!


both ... SOL is cheap rn and you dont need a huge bag of this if you plan to hold long term ... i would alternate you buy ins to both of these assets buying the dips


Went ahead and started reloading TSLA at 222. It’s an easy double from here. Good luck all.


Hit my target 222 🍀


I'm out of cash, I'm tempted to sell some of my Tesla shares (in profit) in order to buy a call or 2....but I feel like the advise would say that this would be bad practice. I could buy it on margin, but don't want to be foolish even though my conviction is solid on the outlook. Is it typical to use margin for calls when you hold that stock in profit, or is it better to wait until selling and realizing the gain to buy the Call with cash instead of margin? Do people sell shares to buy calls? I'm talking selling less than 10% of my bag for perspective. - that's why we take profit on the highs, but I didn't expect this downturn (but want to get a call while prices are lower). Looking for opinions, NFA.


Why $220 strike? Is this to offset something else in your contract holdings?