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Dive into the AI world! I dive into the 10 pros and 10 cons of AI so you can learn how to thrive in the future. 121 key points into two 10-point must-read guides!  

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🤖AI: 🌈Utopia or 😱Dystopia?

#AI #Dystopia #DeepFakes #Utopia #Edge #Embrace #DangersofAI #Top10AIAdvantages #Top10AIDisadvantages 👋 JOIN THE FAMILY: http://www.patreon.com/investanswers 📈 IA MODELS: http://www.investanswers.io 📬 IA NEWSLETTER: https://investanswers.substack.com DISCLAIMER: InvestAnswers does not provide financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. None of the content on the InvestAnswers channels is financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and should not be taken as such; the content is intended only for educational and entertainment purposes. InvestAnswers (James) shares some of his trades as learning examples but they are only relevant to his specific portfolio allocation, risk tolerance & financial expertise, may not constitute a comprehensive or complete discussion of such topics, and should not be emulated. The content of this video is solely the opinion(s) of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading equities or cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. Kindly use your judgment and do your own research at all times. You are solely responsible for your own financial, investing, and trading decisions. 0:00 Introduction 01:00 The Story 02:00 Most Disruptive Times 03:00 The Utopia Side of AI 04:00 Enhances Human Capabilities & Productivity 05:00 Anticipates Needs/Patterns 06:00 Can Transform Healthcare 07:00 Decreased Cost Allows Those Who Use it To Outperform Those Who Don’t 08:00 Increased Productivity & Efficiency in the Economy 09:00 Personalized Education Can Optimize Learning For Students 10:00 Level the Playing Field for Global Access to Quality Learning 11:00 Creation of High-quality Art, Movies, Music 12:00 Pattern Recognition Aids Informed Decisions Across Various Fields 13:00 Help With Societal improvement, Healthcare, and Personalized Care 14:00 Med-PaLM 2 reached 86.5% accuracy on the MedQA medical exam benchmark in research 15:00 The Dystopian Side of AI 16:00 Job Loss - 4th IR 17:00 Crisis of Purpose 18:00 Threat if Not Aligned with Human Values 19:00 Social Unrest Could Lead To Violence 20:00 Malicious Use & Manipulation 21:00 Meta is developing a range of AI personas that mimic human-like conversations 22:00 Meta is developing a range of AI personas that mimic human-like conversations to increase user Rapid Changes Lead To Uncertainty & Anxiety 23:00 Perpetuate Biases, Create Realistic Fake Content 24:00 Disinformation Derailing Governments 25:00 Loss of Shared Human Experiences 26:00 Bots and Deepfakes 27:00 Major Populaces not being AI Adjacent 28:00 Meet Lisa - AI TV Anchor in India 29:00 Conclusion 30:00 How To Survive AI 31:00 You and AI 32:00 IA (InvestAnswers) and AI



That’s James, I enjoyed your show, if you have analytics behind your followers you know I watch everyday, I was traveling yesterday when this aired so missed the live feed. I work in AI, have been for 6 years now. I think you did a solid job for this forum. I work for an AI public company Sprinklr, CXM. 8 interviews through I had to do the presentation to a fictitious board of C level execs 1 year ago. I sell CCAAS, Contact Center As A Service Cloud SW. They actually asked me, how do you respond to an exec when you’re presenting your ROI on human reduction in the Call Centre. The numbers to the business look good but what does the exec say to those people who are displaced from their job? You summed it up nicely by saying people should think about how they can be more creative, do things that bots can’t yet. My answer was similar. Let AI / Bots, do the repetitive, mundane tasks so humans can focus on my high value tasks. Now, with Open Ai integration your lowest skilled customer agent will have access to the same information and response tools as the best agent, lifting all boats to equal status, in any language. It’s common for call Centre’s to have 50% + annual turnover on average because they don’t have proper tools to be effective, lots of admin labor. But AI automates all of that now, making both customers and Agents happier, even their supervisors. Happy employees stay, they also create loyalty even advocates with the brand. Bottom line. AI is a win-win when it’s embraced and used for its intention - to do shit humans don’t want to do, just like people didn’t want to stitch clothing by hand in the 60’s, or clean Chimney’s in the 50’s. Change is inevitable so embracing it is wise.


James, thank you for the great video! I appreciate your effort. I have been thinking and writing about the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) for the last ten years and started a startup in late 2021 to address one critical issue that you mentioned in the video – the impact of 4IR on human capital. Youth unemployment has been soaring since the 2020s, which is a major signal of the exponentially growing human capital issue we will face. As you said, many people have their heads in the sand at the moment, especially VCs seem to be focused on genAI. Our work, originating from MIT Media Lab, aims to transform human capital in the face of 4IR with an awesome team from MIT, League of Legends, and other organizations. Happy to share more if the community interested in. Thanks 🙏