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The productivity paradox refers to the puzzling phenomenon of sluggish productivity growth in developed countries, including the United States, despite significant investments in information technology (IT) during the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Now we face the AI revolution - Productivity should technically 3x - but will it????

Initially observed in the 1970s and 1980s, the paradox arose as IT investment surged while productivity growth slowed. This contrasted with the expectation that IT would enhance efficiency and productivity in businesses.

Several potential explanations for this paradox exist. One theory suggests that traditional productivity measures might not capture all the benefits from IT investments, especially when it leads to novel, hard-to-measure products and services.

Another viewpoint is that the benefits of IT are enjoyed by certain businesses and individuals, leaving others behind. IT might boost profits for adaptable businesses but lead to job losses for workers struggling to adapt to new technologies.

Additionally, the productivity paradox might be a temporary occurrence. The full advantages of IT investment could take time to materialize.

h/t to Sanjay for sharing. 






The paradox is not really true for real research and development which is is open ended.