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I recently analyzed data from a survey of 5,000 office and remote workers. The findings were interesting, and some of them surprised me.

For example, I was surprised to learn that the amount of time people spend playing video games on their mobile phones or computers is similar for both office and remote workers. I also thought that the amount of time people spend on childcare would be much higher for remote workers, but it was actually about the same as for office workers.

However, one finding that did not surprise me was that people are more productive at the office. This is likely due to the fact that there are fewer distractions at the office, and it is easier to collaborate with colleagues.

Here are some additional details about the survey findings:

  • Video games: 20% of office workers and 19% of remote workers report spending at least 30 minutes per day playing video games on their mobile phones or computers.
  • Childcare: 15% of office workers and 14% of remote workers report spending at least 30 minutes per day on childcare while they are working.
  • Productivity: 60% of office workers and 45% of remote workers report being more productive at the office.


WFH Research





I have got into what feels like a million arguments and discussions about this on LinkedIn. Bottom line is there has to be a balance and often the metrics that people use to measure working from home/in the office are very bias into matters not work related. I do leave it with the thought though that there is a reasons schools and universities are hives of learning and you meet some great people. Online you don't get the same level of bonding. Peace and love though.


I've always been independent/freelancing at my home studio anyway. However, I've worked with employees of my clients onsite oer the years. Many of those companies were kept afloat, operating, and even *making record profits* by people working remote during COVID. It's not like companies went bankrupt due employees to not being productive at home. Remote working works for some and not others. Companies trying to get *everyone* back into the office are feeling the pushback results now -- even after offering more pay and/or a chance to move up.