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Sanjay shared a crazy statistic: 

the salary it takes to be happy vs. the median annual salary. 

The contrast is striking, with New Hampshire coming out on top.




Here is the link to the study. The Ideal Paycheck for Happiness in Each U.S. State https://moneyzine.com/news/2023/05/11/ideal-income-in-each-state/


London average wage £41 k to be happy I would say £160k, now everyday if not a new car or an electric car it costs £ 12.50 to drive a car and that is greater London suburbs too ulez, normal average people are moving away, young smart people moving away. Lo Don is for elites only and the uk is very expensive,wages are not rising and quality of products only becoming worse, I went to a decent restaurant the other day in essex stuck to the fixed menu 5 people it was £430 . This is a massive jump in prices from just a few years ago.