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Insane $SUI transactions - beating #Solana for the first time in daily transactions. How?

Well let's take a look at the Tx - Sui beats 20M Tx per day

But why, they have so few daily active users?

Well it is all driven by 1 game!  It must be super addictive:




Sui, is it worth looking at it some more? Gaming has a habit of giving life to coins/tokens.


Layer into Sui when? 😆😁🫢


I heard some of those games have bots to try and farm crypto or create a presence -- not sure if it would be one of those games as I know nothing about it


Why does this need to be on chain? Like most blockchain ‘games’ it seems like a complete waste of resources to me.


I have been holding SOL, purchased at 120, did not sell. I am re-adding to bags every it hits a specific level. My latest level was 26, so have added more to my SOL bag.


This is exactly why I think the statement, "It's just data" isn't so helpful. If data was just data we would be forced to conclude SUI is currently beating SOL in active users, and technically that's true. Data always needs to be interpreted and I think James does a fantastic job, for all of us, in that respect. I just wish he'd stop saying 'It's just data".


Sui the hedgehog is a very popular game.


this is very interesting. from what I understand sui is kind of a new chain for nfts nd gaming. Would be interesting to compare aptos and sui.


I played that game in that wallet on testnet. Hahaha


Bought more SOL at 25.93


Same. will empty the sol funds if it drops to 21-22 and call it a night.


Me too. It was fun, but I never imagined it would survive beyond a testnet application! Doesn’t take much I guess…


For me it was DCA, it feels like this will go up from here. Holding for the long term


I think Toly said they count things that shouldn't be classed as transactions as transactions so things get counted multiple times per transaction


Sol just flipped ADA market cap


Daily transactions and number of users is not the same statistic. You reference active users in your comment by the data presented is about daily transactions. 100 bots could create most of those transactions. So you are correct that interpretation is key.


I wasn't too concerned with getting the details of the example 100% correct as that wasn't the point. The point was simply that interpretation is always needed.


Sorry but can't the same can be said for SOL?... and some worthless NFT trading? We have to be careful when we pick and chose to fit our own narratives. It's all still early. What I am focused on with SOL is speed, costs and hopefully uptime. The rest will follow if they can handle the throughput.


I'm not trying to make a judgement one way or another about whether SOL or SUI is better or right or wrong, etc. My only point is that to claim 'It's just data' is kind of meaningless because data only makes sense when interpreted and interpretation is by definition subjective. James seems to trying to say it's not his opinion, it's just data. But he is providing the interpretation of that data and thus it is his opinion. And the reason he has so many people here is that we value said opinion.