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Another huge move in MSTR - trade price was at $401

Normally I notice that a big move in MSTR results in a move in BTC later - it is as if someone knows someone is going to buy and they front run by buying MSTR

Either way I added more hedge to my position. I am doing it in tranches.

First Tranche has a breakeven of $428 before Aug 18, 2023 I did this last week.

This second tranche has a breakeven of $459 before Aug 25, 2023 - I sold the Aug 23 calls for $28.90 - only 44 days away.

The higher it goes, the more I hedge.

I will roll up the first tranche if the price goes above 428 and the second tranche if price goes above 459.

Per the Arb Cloud - MSTR is way above the cloud.





miner stocks also doing over 5% on the day today


I have a covered call at $410 Aug 18th and another at $420 Aug 18th. I will roll up when the time comes


Finally took some profits and bought some eth instead. Was very lucrative and have plenty more MSTR ty so much!


Omg i wish I would have your knowledge to trade options but still to afraid of doing wrong- still feel not comfortable - hmm But I bought a lot of coins during the bear market so I try to make the gains with them Hope I find the right time flipping and selling - but actually the bulls are on Today i watched Bob Loukas - Green lights on - also ver recommendable as he is such an expert in TA


Long term, MSTR might get enough market cap to be included in the S&P 500 and that would create a lot of demand from index funds.


this is so over my head lol


I'm thinking MSTR move might be independent of BTC. I think MSTR might be an acquisition target for a company looking to acquire BTC quickly


Don't understand a word. I was buying during Bear market. This I understood.


James is saying that he doesnt believe (for the first tranche) that MSTR would exceed $428 by Aug 18th. If he is wrong, he will bet that by Aug 25, it will not exceed $459. He has placed the bet by selling Call options on either some MSTR he already owns or margin room on his account. If unclear ask, specific questions, and we will learn from each other.


MSTR is being front run by institutions ahead of BR ETF . Also, need to add in intrinsic value to MSTR business, including AI component and Lightning innovations for corporations.


Don't get it either. I am using Arb Cloud. Thought the use case was: sell MSTR, buy BTC at top of cloud, sell BTC, buy back MSTR at bottom. Am I missing something?


Same. It’s interesting to listen to. But options are way over my head. I’m a buy and hold kinda a guy.


I think James should hold a one week option trading retreat in Greece.


I don't think you're missing anything. That is the basic idea and what many seem to be doing, myself included. However, the trade alert was specifically about moves he made with options. So, from this thread I've pieced together that James does at least three things with MSTR. 1) Arb Cloud MSTR-BTC swaps (though maybe he doesn't actually do that). 2) options with MSTR. 3) holding MSTR long term.


Got it. Makes sense.


Criteria for Inclusion in the S&P 500 Its market cap must be at least $8.2 billion. Its shares must be highly liquid. At least 50% of its outstanding shares must be available for public trading. It must report positive earnings in the most recent quarter.


Bought in April after studying your analysis. Thank you James!




Thanks James. Anyone - what platform do you use to buy options? Can you buy on exchanges like Kucoin, binance, gemini etc?


Anyone know how many BTC / share MSTR owns? To determine the premium of MSTR as a BTC proxy? So if such premium evaporated the share price should be “x”?


Same here.. 😅 hope James would consider doing a series of option videos.. 😊


@ Optimus, options are only traded through a STOCK broker, not a crypto exchange. Think or Swim is a good place to start with pretend money and see how you do without losing real money at first.


@ Partick, they own about 150,000 BTC


Lol. I could give a seminar on how to sell at the bottom. I’m getting good at that lol. At least I’m learning


Isn't MSTR valued way more than the Bitcoin they hold, minus their debt? How is that a good investment?


I entered a position at 168$. Am I crazy for holding right now?


Banking collapse still on the cards in USA and Europe. I think the big boys are protecting themselves by moving into MSTR. Collapse will be worse than 2008.


in the last month mstr vs bitcoin is 2x up wth!!


I’m thinking institutions know what’s about to happen! James, thanks so much for everything you are doing, have done, and will do!


Freight Train 🚆


James, did you roll up your MSTR covered calls? MSTR just moved up too quickly?