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JP Morgan has a lot of money, but they're not very generous with it. They only paid out $10 billion in interest on their $2.4 trillion in deposits in 2022. That's a measly 0.4% interest rate. 

Meanwhile, other places like Apple are offering a whopping 4.2% interest rate on its new savings account. If JP Morgan were to match that rate, their interest expense would skyrocket to $100 billion per year. But who cares about the little guy, right? 

JP Morgan is more interested in lining their own pockets than they are in helping their customers save money.

PS the avg interest rate they charge on a loan is north of 6% netting over 500 bps on every dollar :D 

This is why Jamie Dimon hates Crypto.  It threatens their Bankster Monoply. 




Damn you're busy tonight (UK time)! KPM overload!! ♥️


This is a business, not charity. At the end of the day, people are not forced to bank with JP Morgan. JPM is thriving while banks who had zero risk management and giving out crazy low mortgage rates to high net worth individuals are bankrupt. Capitalism at its best!


Karma is a bitch


Essentially, what’s JPM is doing through Fed monetary policy making is tantamount to a coup against regional banks, often the lifeblood of local communities, so JPM can acquire the assets for pennies on the dollar. Three of the biggest bank failures in the last two decades have been cannibalized by JPM (Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, First Republic). This crooked financial system is rigged to benefit the behemoths at the expense of little guys. Hope the crypto industry survives all their machinations and emerges victorious.


A day full of alpha ✨


With all these bank closures and buyouts they may be forced when Chase buys their regional bank with the help from the fed!


F Jamie Diamond and all of the banksters! I hope they get squeezed hard on gold!


Ugh. I still for the life of me can’t understand why this isn’t criminal. Literally STEALING from the hard working people of the USA.


Yeah I’m earning next to nothing in my chase account. And yet I’m earning over 4% on my cash at Trustmark bank and I didn’t have to initiate any agreement. Also earning over 4% with my funds sitting in the money market at vanguard.


Here's hoping they really are way short gold and they get squeezed hard.


I don’t understand why people bank their or don’t spend 5 minutes n move their money to a money market. (they probably are) apple sofi capital one discover and many others offer close or over 4 apy. or just go buy t-bills directly.


James, do you still bank with JP Morgan?


You said it well!


James please figure out how a squeeze on gold would benefit JP Morgan. This reminds me of Bill Gates shorting Tesla. Things do not happen to these people, they make things happen.


Forgot how to ask a question for the weekend Q&A.....James can you review how you determine the % of margin you are comfortable using to buy quality equities like Tesla?


Fantastic post James. Jamie Dimon is a ruthless fiat overlord that truly seems to enjoy this sort of blood-sucking usury. And Wall Street goons and talking heads like Jim Cramer worship JP Morgan and call them “a fortress”. If I am alive for their day of reckoning, as I believe I am likely to be, I will certainly revel in it…


Can a #bringdownjpmorgan campaign be started worldwide 😜


JP are living off that sweet arbitrage


They paid out in interest the same amount that Shell earned in the first quarter of 2023. $9.6 billion. Yet we are all struggling to get by with the cost of living crisis… The answer Apple, Tesla, BTC


ING paying 5% on savings accounts in Australia atm.


JP Morgan is making a HUGE push to take over deposits. Just received a card in the mail offering $750 in bonus cash (could it be USDC??) if I switch from my regional bank…


If Jim Cramer has labeled them a "fortress" they can now consider themselves doomed. Their days are numbered...