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This will be a good one... most imp show of the week 


DCA Live: BTC breakout? End of L2 era?

Agenda: - L2 Arbitrum - industry consequences - Back to L1 protocols? - Elon Musk x dot com, competitor or savior? - Censor crypto from social media? - Bitcoin market action - Next cycle, new or old altcoins? - and more Follow James' channel: https://www.youtube.com/InvestAnswers Follow Ivan's channel: https://www.youtube.com/IvanOnTech ⮕💙 Follow Me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ctoLarsson ⮕💰 My Free Checklist https://www.ctolarsson.com/ 📺 Essential Videos📺 👉👉 My actual 3 secrets 👉 https://youtu.be/khW__3T1Zfs 👉👉 Energy Crisis, the hard truth 👉 https://youtu.be/bxzAB8zvbBA 👉👉 Why Crypto Regulations will drive the market up 👉 https://youtu.be/YhsCtZunjT0 👉👉 HODL Sucks, Position Sizing 👉 https://youtu.be/fRAnyZ1DXco 👉👉 Bitcoin PoW - totally misunderstood 👉 https://youtu.be/zw2fvnc_kmA 👉👉 TradingView Tutorial, CTO style 👉 https://youtu.be/CU2doDWZzPY FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. All information presented in this video references an opinion of the speaker and is for general information purposes only. You must not construe any information presented as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing presented constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer to buy or sell financial instruments. I am not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. For financial or investment advice, seek a duly licensed professional in your jurisdiction, who can take your specific situation into account. Past performance does not indicate future results. You are always at risk of losing all invested funds. I don’t give advice to buy or sell specific assets, but provide timeless education and software tools generic for any asset. Rather than relying on subjective market opinions, I apply the principles of technical analysis formulated in 1930s on historical charts. Anyone can apply the same process and get the same result. Technical Analysis does not predict the future. It is a tool to find setups for controlled risk/reward. Larsson Line does not predict the future. It is a mathematical formula for trend expression. Disclosure: The speaker holds Bitcoin, Ethereum exposure, both through company ownership and in a personal capacity, as ETP price tracker certificates in ISK through his bank and minor exposure to Solana. My objective with this video is to spark curiosity to learn more and to reflect on your own analysis, not replace it. #dca #investanswers #cryptobanter #ivanontech #bitcoin #bottom #solana #ethereum #crypto #ctolarsson



I’ll have to catch the replay 🤙 have a great day fam


Monday, Monday lalala let's go buddy 💪 Happy Monday everyone ☕️ ☕️ 😁🌞🎶


Looking forward to today's KPM


Cant wait!


I was feeling a but more bullish on ETh but now feeling a bit more bullish on sol.


I’ve been bullish on Sol - I do have this lingering ( unfounded ) worry that ETH gas prices drop and it scales while Sol still has this reputation for “ bugs “ and it’s competitive advantages get overlooked by an irrational market / consumer.


Yeah. As eth scales it continues to lose centralisation though. First proof of stake, now rollups.


No Ran the shill today? 🤔


Can't say I enjoyed today so much, god did that new guy go on. Maybe it was me but CTO can go on, this other guy went on and I spent most of my time waiting for James to get a word in and even then they jumped in. Even after James left they went on and on.


I’m gagging for so some Sol action, we’re is that beauty heading?


Wanted to say your IADDS on SOL for the 5min is extremely accurate. Already up a significant amount 👌


No matter who you DCA with.... you always stand out. Noone can touch on your knowledge...


you are a class of your own James


please don't leave us to others who do not have your expertise and knowledge you have.I feel scared.