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A real estate specialist and a portfolio manager at one of the largest hedge funds globally, I have heard the phrase "plane engines are off" used to describe a market downturn several times. 

While I cannot verify the accuracy of this statement, I can say that if mortgage rates approach 8%, it would undoubtedly cause significant distress in the US real estate market by summer 2023. Other global markets are trying to keep a lid on rates. 

While there were signs of a rebound in January, it was short-lived. Unfortunately, people are relying heavily on credit cards, and their wages are not keeping up with inflation, resulting in little to no savings. RE Sales have dried up. Refinance is non existent. 

Shockingly, debt is increasing exponentially while savings remain at zero.

Another example, the average monthly mortgage payment in Atlanta has gone from $320 in 2012 to just under $2,000 now

Something is going to break.




This is how the fed breaks the back of the middle class. What's left are the global elites and the slaves


Oregon coast is showing no signs of weakening.. we contract high end residential tile & stone work . 30 employees booked out to end of year . Hopefully these “ niche “ pockets will remain strong .


I saw a commercial for circle usdc today on a mainstream media channel.


What it break what then?


Even though I suspect, still quite alarming to hear. I’ve begun a journey into the RE investment world using liens and deeds as my investment strategy. Perhaps good for me, but not so good for those who currently have a roof over their heads. Concerning times. Saddening too.


I can't wait to buy when it all falls down, I'll be so happy to get a dirt cheap house. I'm ready.


*Alexa*, play Let The Bodies Hit The Floor.


Good morning, I'm working in the Real Estate Branche here in Germany with a own marketing agency. What I can tell from my perspective we gonna have a worse autumn here. There are still real estate developments running to get finish within the next couple of months, which is good for the GDP. These projects already started before we had all these issues and challenges with the outcome of the restrictive pandemic policy, as well as the still ongoing conflict in the Ukraine. These projects will be finished with a huge lack in time. But the bigger problem it, that no one is starting a new project developments as they can't be built the projects for affordable prices. Due to a lot of reasons, you might guess, such as interest rates, higher building cost and the ESG/SDG requirements. So we will see the recession within the construction and real estate branch later this year very heavily, insiders of the branch are guessing. The real estate market for selling bigger apartments is flat, due to the higher intrest rates, people can't or won't afford it any more. The leasing / renting market is booming, as there is still a high demand for apartments, so the prices for the renting fees are increasing. The office demand is also flat in the big 7 cities. Entrepreneurs aren't sure what the future will bring, still employees are used at there home offices. Furthermore we have a great shift within the requirements for new jobs and a lack of people with these skills. So is is s.th which is braking the growth. What we can recognize is a movement of companies from the suburban areas to the inner city, specially from the IT branch, as due to the "war of talents" there is a need to offer better, more urban office spaces. This for today. So if any body is more interested in what is going on here in Germany regarding the inside of the real estate market please let me know. We have a 25 year long track record working with high end customers in the real estate branche, so happy to share my thoughts.


Feeling the pain in the UK too!


The trend is pretty clear regarding household debt $$. This, combined with bond rates and the DXY going up again points to further pain in the stock market and crypto market. Buying and holding anything just doesn't make much sense in these markets. Sell the rips and buy the dips seems to be the best order of business until things change.


I highly recommend listening to Ken Griffin's interview on BloombergTelevision Youtube channel. It was on yesterday and is entitled "Citadel's Ken Griffin on the Fed, Chicago crime, Debt Limit, ChatGPT"


$320 in Atlanta back in 2012? Seems a bit off, honestly. I did a quick search nationwide (US) and found $1,460 as median. Sure seems like a 1 is missing from that #. $1,320, maybe. Sure, a few exceptions are possible but the median in those suburbs is not $320. I have lived in this market a long time, too. Am I just misunderstanding or misinterpreting the chart? James et al., any chance the $320 # is due to the masses who chose the 5-year ARMs, post Great Recession? All this said, could not agree more with this posting. Thanks James, appreciate your keeping us informed. Economy + housing market... ugggh. :(


I live in Atlanta and can tell you the real estate market here is very active right now. People are listing in higher demand areas in the city and bidding wars are happening. Is it as crazy as it was? No. However, the interest rates don't seem to be driving people away from buying.


That's good. The same here in Charleston SC people just throwing money at houses. It's either cash offers or don't care about the rates escaping the North East


Ohio is still rocking. Armies at every showing, bidding wars, properties being bought up in a day or 2.


Actually not good. That continued strength may drive Powell towards more hikes. Those cash buyers driving your markets should dry up quickly. We need a downturn so Powell will back off.


Is the US ahead of us in the UK, as in is this a snap shot into our near future or are we both already in the recession?


Ummm that image is going around, also saying I'm at their biggest ai conference of the year.... Blah blah blah, it's an absolute disaster

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 20:23:46 https://twitter.com/goodalexander/status/1633286331219472384?t=wy1yZNtkTH-H4mSXYr-3PA&s=19
2023-03-09 18:41:08 https://twitter.com/goodalexander/status/1633286331219472384?t=wy1yZNtkTH-H4mSXYr-3PA&s=19



Hey you can’t question what James posts! Everything he posts is 100% true and if you question it you will get shamed by his faithful!