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3 Days ago, new traders opened up put (short) options positions on Silvergate $SI

  • $10 Strike Puts Expiring 3/3/2023 expiring in just two days from entry.  They obviously had insider info.
  • They exited yesterday.
  • That trader returned ~10,000% today from two days ago, turning $13,000 into $1.3 million.
  • A 75% fall in 13 days is astounding.
  • A further 63% in 3 days is even more astounding.

This is IADSS on the 1 hour - triggered a sell at $32.




I would have loved to get my hands on 1.3M too but l short the stock on paper trading!!! Practice! Practice!! Practice!!!


why am i not able to search those indicators in TradingView?>


Just trying to understand the terminology 'opened up put (short) options positions' You mean they bought the $10 put strike? Because when you sell a put it shows up as a 'short/negative' in the account, hence my question.


So IADSS predicted this crash? I’m asking, not accusing, but didn’t a post just a couple of days ago infer a possible good buy in the $13 range and sell at $23 range due to the channel it had been in?


Insider trading will the SEC do anything about it ........... Nah because only last month Blackrock were bullish on this stock .... and who gets left holding the can mmmmmm oh I know retail investors again :(


Sounds like accusing, not asking, because the answer to that question is already implied in that statement. The indicator is doing what an indicator does - it changes color based on the algorithm it's given. This means it operates without context, which is why the human needs to incorporate the indicator with with other indicators to measure different data sets, and employ their knowledge of the markets to make a decision. The indicator says it's a buy now because it's at a low, not because it knows the low is due to financial management by the business compounded with insider trading getting levered up to pummel the price down. That's the part of the equation required for the human to figure out. The trading range that was previously recommended was a valid point, because it was merely an observation of a stock price over time being pointed out. No other context is included in the definition of a trading range. If these things are not understood then use this forum, not to make financial decisions, but understood how people in the market make financial decisions. That way you'll know what you're up against out there.


On the topic of ruthless traders, I wonder if this was George Soros. He bought in recently and it was extensively covered in the media - stock shot up to 21. Then the price immediately dropped off after, and now it tumbled a lot. Can't help but smell a pump and dump - on the way up and down.


Short term options is a brutal environment that is for those in the know. Perfect storm for a March Crypto market. The money made is ill gotten gains even though legal.


Was that you buying puts James? If so then I imagine drinks are on the house. Good one for whoever profited. Unfortunately I thing they would have had inside information to pull it off.


Hi DocTighty, I suggest to google anything before you trade. $SI had already lawsuits from the FTX customers, since December 2022. Also, you should be aware of BTC and ETH manipulation. When we think everything is going great, something happens that makes BTC cheap, so the whales can buy more BTC. Now the crypto market is bleeding, but the stock market is green. No Financial Advice. I do not own any BTC. https://cointelegraph.com/news/sbf-and-ftx-fraud-aided-and-abetted-by-silvergate-bank-alleges-lawsuit