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Join us for #DCA live with CTO Larsson and Ran from Crypto Banter as we delve into the attack on Crypto, BUSD, Paxos, PaxGold, PayPal, Wyckoff, Altcoins and more. Live at 7:30am PT, 16:30 CET:



DCA Live: Crypto Under Attack?

Bitcoin #Wyckoff #Regs #Paxos #BUSD #Ran #CTO #SEC #altcoins



My 5 cents 😂


Sad truth is usa has gone from innovation leader to protector of everything legacy. Not a good trend for future generations


@imvestanswers James, again Kraken. They told me to f off round about way... and to remove my assets if I think this is an issue. Great. My question is what then when I have a Trezor and Ledger or a digital wallet ( good vorbid this one) and no one gives me my fiat back and/ or I cannot transfer it anywhere back into my home bank account?


Crypto...bad bad...crypto good


Kudos to all three of you. I particularly liked CTO’s comments on age-old methods of manipulating prices of assets. For me, so appropriate these days. Fortunately, we have tools and folks who can use them to show possible price manipulation. Can CTO provide the name of a book on this practice? Of course, in English.