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Back to this weird little chestnut. I’d started it like a month ago but didn’t bother with early access because I thought it’d be short and fast. Shows what I know about my own mental schedule.

This one doesn’t really introduce anything new but it emphasizes a lot of what’s going on. Sort of pinpoints how the dungeon works and the softer points of the goblin and the necromancer’s relationship. Aderand has a business to run and is way less emotional than Rek, but he’s definitely sweet on her. They’re totally going to end up together in some capacity, or at least I don’t think Aderand sleeps with anyone but her. Maybe that’ll change? Maybe a sexy vampire comes into the picture to become Rek’s romantic rival. Or maybe she’s got a crush on Rek instead of her boss. Just thought of that one now but putting it in the idea list!

“Hey, boss! I heard from one of the snake guys that some guy nearly got to the top of the dungeon!”

Rek came trotting into Lord Aderand’s lab where he was working busily on his workbench of a slab. It was how the ghostly pale undead goblin found him most of the time. The necromancer seemed to enjoy his work, and keeping the dungeon operational was how he was able to maintain that dark hobby. Animating the dead took lots of mystical energies, and allowing heroes to pay a fee to make a run at his dungeon was a profitable business on top of a valuable resource of said energies.

“Actually, he succeeded,” the dark-haired mage replied without looking up from his work.

“Reached the peak of the tower. I had to report in to award him with his pick of the treasure.”

“Wow!” Rek said in casual interest. “Sounds like he was pretty strong.”

Aderand scoffed lightly. He paused from fiddling with whatever he was working on to raise one arm for her to see. The limb ended at the wrist with a sealed over red wound.

“Not strong enough.”

“Unholy shit!” Rek yelped.

She was very used to seeing blood and injuries. She had lost track of how many ways and times she’d died, and part of her duties were cleaning up after the battles. Her master had brought back many of his employees, oftentimes revived as fully functioning living creatures. There were sometimes complications (missing parts or if the creature had died as frequently as Rek) that made proper revival more difficult. It was why he preferred to litter the lower floors with undead and feral monsters; easier to repair.

Rek hadn’t known Lord Aderand to take any injuries in years. He was a hands-off manager type when it came to the dungeon and the giant armor golem was technically the boss of the dungeon.

“How’d that happen!?”

“I showed up to offer the treasure and SOMEone didn’t read the rules,” the wizard explained. “They mistook me for an enemy or something and charged me. Got a good hit in before I could rot them into nothingness.”

“Did you get the bits?” Rek asked as she hurried over to his workspace. She pulled up a stool and stood on it, plopping her big pale tits on the slab. Among the runes and tools, there was a fair-skinned severed hand with some blood around the wrist.

“Yes. It’s fine.”

Aderand gestured at the table and his disembodied hand drummed its fingers on the stone. Rek giggled at the necrotic puppetry, but the hand pivoted itself on its fingers and poked her in the breast until they flopped back off the table.

“Careful now,” the dark master warned.  “It should be a simple procedure, but I’m finding it more difficult than usual.”

“Cuz of the hand?” Rek asked, dropping her chin on the edge of the table like a bored child.

“Yes, because of the hand,” Aderand sighed. “I don’t need both to cast the spells but keeping it in place while I work is another thing.”

“Oh jeez. I’m sorry, boss,” Rek sympathized.

“Not to worry. I assure you that he voided his contract with all this and lost any rights to his resurrection.”

“Yea, but… you always do so much for us. How about I give you one of my hands? Would that make it easier?”

The goblin raised her arm to her face and opened her mouth wide, preparing to bite down on the wrist.

“Rek. No,” her boss interrupted sternly.

“I already have the hand. Could you just hold onto it for me while I work?”

Rek gasped as she dropped her own arm and her mouth fell open comically wide.

“You want me to hold your hand!?”

“It can’t quite hold itself, now can it?”

“Is that one of them riddles?”

“Not at all. Are you holding it or not?”

Rek quickly latched onto the severed hand. Her pale cheeks turned a shade of ghastly blue, the closest her bloodless body had for blushing. Amerand rested his arm against it and went about his work with his usual focus and steady hand, even if he was short of one. Rek watched with rapt fascination as his smooth stitching fastened his hand back into place. It was still limp and loose until he clasped a hand around the severed wrist. A mix of silver and purple light crawled from his good hand over the damaged one and when he removed it, a seal of scar tissue had filled up any missing flesh. The necromancer brushed a thumb over the new skin and the stitches fell off like flecks of sand. Already the scar tissue was slowly healing over and turning into his normal skin in a matter of hours until it would be like the flesh-crafter had never lost it in the first place.

Aderand flexed and curled his fingers, getting a few brittle cracks out of them before he felt satisfied.

“I’ll never understand how you do all that, boss,” Rek commented quietly. “And I never get tired of it. No matter how many times I see it.”

“It’s not always a respected craft,” Aderand admitted with a small smile. “So thank you.”

Rek beamed from ear to broad ear. Her boss caught her by the scruff of her mangy hair and hoisted her onto his worktable, laying her flat on her back.

“The new hand just needs a stress test,” he explained with a sly grin.

Rek’s eyes went wide, even before he pushed up her top. Both hands wrapped firmly around her breasts. The soft, pasty orbs happily yielded to his grip, making her gasp as he held tightly onto her tits. Her hefty jugs oozed their cool but rapidly warming flesh between his fingers.

“Ahhhh~! Now that’s good test!” Rek squealed as she shivered in his grasp. It just made her breasts wobble more in his grasp as she bit her lip, failing to contain her excited smile.

“Grip seems back to normal,” Aderand noted with a playful tone to his voice. He brought his fingers together to pinch and pull at Rek’s nipples. Her eyes rolled back unusually far into her skull as she let out a long, cooing moan.

“Let’s see how handles an impact,” the necromancer pondered.

He brushed aside Rek’s loincloth with one hand and then clapped his palm onto one of her fat ass cheeks. Her eyes rolled back into place as her mouth hung open, wailing needily as her hips bounced up and down off the table.

“Seems to pack the same strength at before. Did that feel hard enough?”

Aderand smiled and swatted her again when Rek lust-clouded brain didn’t answer fast enough. She gave a startled yelp and nodded rapidly, trailing drool down her gaping mouth.

“Yea! Yes, sir! That was a really good test!” she rambled.

The undead shortstack arched her back as her master suddenly spanked her pussy. Her wet folds made for a noisy slapping sound as she thrashed in place, but locked her knees on the edge of the workspace. It was as if she was worried she’d miss anything by closing her legs.

“You sure?” he teased as she nodded rapidly, tossing her black and white hairs about to tangle together.

“Yessss~!” she whined out as she dug her claws into the slab.

“Great job on that hand, boss. It’s a… oof… a super good hand job!”

“Suppose you could call it that,” Aderand admitted. “I just hope the manual dexterity is still up to task.”

“Yea,” Rek mumbled vacantly. “Gotta have your mammal dexters readyyyEEEOOOOH~!”

The goblin broke into a streak of wild moans and howls as her boss slid three fingers inside her. Her pussy was slick with her cool juices by now, lubricating his probing strokes of her clit. He pressed his fingers in deeper, adding another and then slipping his whole fist into her. The shortstack writhed with him wearing her like a glove and her undead brain could barely process all the pleasure she was feeling. All she could do was babble and hump as she drooled all over herself.

“Even seems waterproof. Excellent work, my sexy little assistant,” Aderand praised lovingly.

“Uhhh huhhh,” Rek droned in reply, humping away on his hand and fingers with her vacant expression stuck to her face. It was the only time she acted particularly zombie-like, but he’d seen her get like that even when she was alive.

“Well it seems like I may as well finish you off while I’m inside,” he said as if it weren’t his plan all along. Rek did an awful job at hiding her urges, even when she bothered to try, and he had kept her around for so long for a reason.

“Ye… yea… please,” she managed to mewl, sputtering out a syllable every few seconds in between her gasps and moans.

Aderand smiled fondly as he started firmly pumping his fist into her, her goblin anatomy and undead nature making it a snug but easy fit. He positioned his knuckles to bump against her swollen clit like a mockingly gentle punch, driving her wild with the steadily increasing teasing. Her feet kicked frantically over the edge of the slab, thumping her heels on it before finally throwing her head back and shrieking in pleasure. She squirted a fresh burst of her slimy juices past Aderand’s arm, coating his freshly restored hand and fingers. He pulled it back out of her and another gush of her cum followed after him like an uncorked water bottle.

“Hoooooo damn. Wow, boss. You really fucked my brains out on that one,” Rek purred in utter contentment.

“Well what’s the point of reattaching a hand if you don’t use it?” he mused as he grabbed a spare hand towel.

“I mean can you help put it back in?”

Aderand paused and glanced over the slab where Rek had thrown her head back. He picked the dried, gray organ off the floor and lightly dusted it off before glancing back at Rek. Her hair had fallen backward with her head like a trash can lid, a few of the stitches near her scalp popped loose.

“Well it’s certainly bigger than I expected,” he teased before sliding it back into its spot.

“Never a dull day with you around, Rek.”

“Sorry, boss,” the undead goblin muttered sheepishly.

The necromancer leaned down and kissed her on her lips.

“I didn’t say that was a bad thing,” he said as he started calmly sealing her back up.


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