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Random followup on this series. It's fun to do but like to make sure it's at least a little different with what each girl brings to the table/bedroom. Cool buff troll babysitter joins in celebrating the 18th birthday of her client.


Dot’s shift must have ended before I was ready to get up. I felt the naked dwarf slip out from under me while we slept on the couch, and when I started to stir an assuring cybernetic hand rested on my head. “Easy, tiger. Sleep it off.” I dozed off for a while as I heard the assuring CLUNK of Yukiko’s heavy gym bag hitting the floor in the other room. I’d gotten used to it by now as my live-in troll of a nanny arrived every few days. 

Yukiko was big, blunt and a literal troll, but she wasn’t dumb. She was systematic in her setup, so every noise from her unpacking was familiar by now. I’d watched her do it with curiosity lots of times when I was younger. Her sword always came out first; the adamantite alloy katana almost as long as she was. It gently clattered against the high shelf in the closet, carefully placed so my dumb 6-year old self wouldn’t go playing her steel-slicing blade.

Then came a few zips and shuffling as she lost her trench coat, holster and a couple of combat knives. They were tucked away securely before a sharp clunk with the sound of metal rang out. I knew it was her weights. Yukiko always kept a few dumbbells with her. Trolls were ridiculously strong and could live and regenerate through almost anything, but Yukiko took it a step further with her training. She wasn’t just a heavy hitter, but a martial artist, marksman, swordfighter… when they wanted something guarded or destroyed, Yukiko was the MILF they brought in. Mom sent her to watch me if things were heated with the gangs, or if I just had to go somewhere far from home with an escort. Nothing ever messed with you if a troll was with you.

“Hey, little man. Happy late birthday,” her gruff voice greeted. The familiar feeling of her leathery hand across my head stirs me from my sleep, smiling up at her as I yawn. She’d called me “little man” for most of the time we’d known each other. I think it was praise at first, and now it’s more teasing than anything. It’s hard to not look small to her when she’s eight-feet tall and probably twice my weight in raw muscle.

Most of my aunts were pale or tan. Yukiko was such a deep shade of purple that it was almost black. I remember seeing pictures of deep sea creatures and thinking they had a skin tone like her. It was always this strange sort of pretty that made her scales and tattoos stand out a lot more. She had rock-like growths around her joints, part of what made them so hard to take down, and she later explained the swirling pink tattoos were part of being in a gang she used to run with. She kept up a feminine look around her face, even sporting her usual pink lipstick despite the set of uneven tusks sticking out of them. Her broad nose and narrow eyes looked even smaller compared to her large mane of black hair and the short but thick devilish horns sprouting from her forehead. Of course, as a gym rat of a troll, her body was covered in muscle. Her long arms bulged from wrist to shoulder and she had abs running all the way from her lower chest to her thighs. It was easy to tell because she dressed incredibly plain. She tended to wear a short, simple tank top over a set of cargo pants as if she’d always just come from the gym. From what I knew of Yukiko, it was entirely possible. 

“Hey, Yuki,” I grunted as I rolled off the couch. “Did you bring me a present?”

“Yea. Breakfast.” There was a crinkling as she threw a bag of delicious grease on the table. Yuki couldn’t cook anything fancier than boiling water, so we ordered out a lot. “You look like you could use it. Did Dot give you some feelgood or something?”

“Said it was Cloud 9…” I muttered as I sat up, making sure my pants were on before I pushed off the blanket Dot left on me.

“Oh, just Cloud 9? Stop being a wuss and eat already.”

I started eating and good god did Yuki get the good stuff. Basilisk Burger was the kind of fast food that cost a little more than the cheap stuff but wasn’t classy enough to be a full blown meal. I couldn’t tell you how troll metabolism worked but I guess she needed something rich like this to fuel the constant exercise she did to remain the biggest, buffest woman I’ve ever seen. Trolls are big, strong, solid, and heal back from anything you can throw at them, so if you can pay their hefty food bills, you have such a powerful bodyguard that nobody’s going to mess with you face to face.

It’s probably why I didn’t see any bullies on the days when Yuki was picking me up from school. It’s also why whenever I’d get hurt as a kid, Yuki would just do something way worse. I once bumped my head against the table. Yukiko picked up one of her flat weights and clanged it against her head like it was nothing. I stopped crying to stare at her while she told me “It ain’t so bad. Walk it off.”

“So what you feel like today?” she asked as she finished unloading her kit.

“I think I’m good for drugs for now… for a couple years,” I admitted, shaking my head. I felt my nerves tingle occasionally before it started to fade. “Want to play some video games?”

“Deal. Winner fucks the loser?” she offered. No need to beat around the bush with a troll. They’re surprisingly quick thinkers for how they look; it’s just that they don’t tend to travel very far from point A to point B.

“Doesn’t that mean we fuck no matter what?”

Yuki shrugged.

“You’re on. May the best player… uh… fuck.”

“Drink too,” she said, sliding me her heavy-duty gym water bottle. I take a swig, recognizing the faint and slightly bitter taste of troll spit on the cap. “It’ll help get the 9 out of ya.”

“I’m worried about how much you know about hangovers,” I joked as I started loading up the game. “And about how quickly you came up with ‘loser gets fucked’ as a bet.”

“Maybe I’ve done it before,” she said casually. She had to get on her knees and bend over to fish her controller out of its case. It showed me her broad and toned ass through her sweats before she came back out with the oversized device. Trolls are some of the biggest species of metahumans, so they had all kinds of special needs for those massive builds. When I learned that normal video game controllers weren’t great for trolls, I got mom to buy Yuki an extra large one for her. The old thing was beat up and the buttons had their symbols worn off from all the times she kept me company, but she’d kept it taped together and running like her battered treasure.

I fired up a game of Moon Warriors, a recent one where you play as actual planets fighting each other. It’s more complicated than I had originally expected, but while I was testing out my new tactics, Yukiko was spamming throwing satellites and stars at me.

“I see you’ve been practicing your bullshit,” I called out when her Jupiter finally beat my Gazeton.

“It’s your fault for taking on a troll in a bet,” she dismissed as he carefully set down her controller. “Now c’mon. Into bed with ya.”

“I just woke up,” I complained sarcastically as I sat up and stretched. “So, what’s the difference between you fucking me and I fuck you.”

“Why don’t you get into bed and find out?” she asked with a broad, tusked grin.

I went back to my bedroom while Yukiko shut the door behind us firmly enough that I heard the doorframe creak. The Amazonian troll was blunt and shameless in her approach, peeling off her top with one hand as the other went to my ass. She pulled me into her hard body so my face planted against her breasts, letting me feel the shifting of her sweats as she pulled them down. I could feel the thick elastic material of her panties as her strong hands undressed me, wrapping a dark paw beneath my hips and lifting me a couple inches off the ground. I had to balance on my toes to lean up and meet her aggressive kiss. I could vaguely remember when she had to squat down just for me to hug her goodbye after her shifts, but with my cock sliding against her warm, dense abs, this was clearly different.

Yukiko gave a small snort, her thick nose puffing over me. My musclebound bodyguard slid one strong hand between us to stroke my growing erection, getting me to moan into her full lips and short tusks. I wrapped my arms around her craggy shoulders and let the woman I’d unknowingly trusted with my life treat me how she wanted.

I didn’t expect that it would mean lifting me several feet into the air. Yuki planted both of her broad hands on my hips and lifted me until I was even higher up than she was. I grabbed onto her horns for balance, but that only seemed to encourage her. She laughed at my less-than-manly noise before she pursed her lips and planted a firm kiss at my cock. She’d left it perfectly at eye level, smooching noisily as the devastatingly strong woman simply praised my dick with kisses. The contract quickly got me shivering, rubbing at her horns while her bulging biceps held me steady. At last, her mouth opened and easily fit my human dick past her trollish lips, pulling me in and out of her while I could barely move my hips in this position. She bobbed her head slowly side to side between her hungry sucks, and it was the alternating stroking sensation that made me realize she was bringing her tusks into the mix. Whichever side I leaned to, the edge of my cock rubbed against that fang’s dull side while her tongue rolled skillfully over the rest.

“Oh my god,” I moaned softly. Not content with her horns, my hands found themselves burying into her hair. Yuki gave a low chuckle that just made me moan harder. I shivered so hard I could feel my precum leaking into her mouth. Her lips opened with a moist smacking sound.

“Not yet, little man,” she warned as she shifted her grip, lowering me onto the bed. She put me in a sitting position as she rested a leg and part of her large, meaty ass on the bed. One leg hung casually over the edge, leaving her hairless and layered pussy shamelessly exposed between her flexing thighs.

“You get the good stuff for your birthday,” she went on as she guided me closer to her. I ran my hands along the curves of her powerful arms as I slid closer to her, resting my cock just beside her pussy. 

“Just one rule, okay?” Yuki added warily.


“You’re on top.”


“Accidents happen.” Yuki let it as that as she took my dick in her hand, adjusting our position so I could fit inside her. It was plenty roomy, but with a light raise of her hips she could get me inside her deep pussy without even fully mounting her. I had brushed up against her enough times to understand. If she wasn’t careful, she could probably just crush me flat beneath her mountain of muscle.

I wasn’t going to complain. Her whole body was dense and warm, and her pussy was no exception. I looped my legs beneath her long and powerful ones, thrusting upwards gingerly. Yuki let out a low hum of approval, but I couldn’t tell if she was just as aroused as I was or simply proud of my efforts to pleasure a troll.

I leaned further into her, running my hands along the comlex texture of her body. The rough and stony patches, the rippling abs, the leathery hide of her back, and of course lingering around her high and broad breasts. They had a texture like thick rubber, a curious mix of muscle and softness that I couldn’t help but explore. I traced over the subtly spotted texture, tracing mindless patterns over the spots before brushing around her areola. I leaned on one while I played with the other, panting when I wasn’t kissing on her hardened nipple.

I could hear her mighty heart racing as I started to reach my limit. Her heavy hips didn’t budge from my thrusts, which provided an exciting amount of resistance. The subtly ribbed inside of her pussy teased the edges of my cock and as it pulsed and I pushed, I heard Yuki give a low and husky growl through her breast. It sounded like a warning from a territorial bear rather than a loving partner.

“You okay?” I asked softly through my lusty haze.

“Gimme,” she demanded, just as quiet but much more firm. One of her long arms shoved into my shoulder and put me flat on my back. She broke her rule at the first chance she got and mounted me, mashing her trollish hips into mine. I gasped at the intense weight that came with it, pouring all that pressure at once onto my dick. I reached up to grab her breasts for something to steady myself while her paws gripped my headboard, helping her angle her voracious humping. I’d never gotten much into troll porn, but I remember hearing it was “difficult.” I guess not only were you working around the “you’re on top” rule, but trolls were a tough and unexpressive species. Even as Yukiko went wild in her need to ride my dick, she didn’t have any dirty talk or mewls or moans. She gave hard, athletic grunts as if she was doing an especially intense exercise, and any questions about her enjoyment were quickly gone. Her sweat and drool dripped down on me as she worked her hips like I was another workout for her thighs that he was struggling to master. 

I finally gasped and tried to thrust my hips up. Hers were already down, pinning me completely to the bed as I squirted inside her depths. My sticky, trickling warmth didn’t seem to reach as deep as it could on a big woman like her, but she still let out a long, snorting sigh. She bucked her hips and leaned in lower, breasts bobbing over my face until I wearily caught a nipple in my mouth. I sucked feebly as even just her bucking nearly tore it from my mouth, but I held onto the sweaty tip of flesh as the scent took me through all sorts of pleasent memories with the giantess fucking me.

With a shudder and a snarl, I felt the ribbed insides of her pussy brush against me. Her pussy tightened and hugged my softening dick, pulsing with muscle and heat as a subtle, warm stream of fluid ran down my thighs. Yuki gave a low groan as she squeezed my headboard until the wood creaked, leaning to her knee on one side.

“Nice… that’s my big boy,” Yuki chuckled.

“What happened to little man?” I muttered, my head spinning and messing with my priorities.

“You got promoted,” she snorted as I could feel her heart racing by the pulsing of her pussy.

“So you broke the rule…”

“Yea,” she huffed as she wiped some sweat from her brow. She slid into the bed beside me, nearly pushing me out of it with her broad hips and shoulders. She caught me with a long arm, pulling me back into the warmth of her breast and armpit. “But it worked out. I’m shit at rules anyway.”

“Like ordering from Qizan’s instead of going to bed on time?” I reminded her. She gave a loud, short laugh as she squeezed me against her unbreakable bulk and kissed me on the forehead.

“Hey, it was your birthday. You get the good shit on your birthday.”



I love it when a favorite series of mine returns, especially if it comes with someone tall and buff! The lifted blowjob was a nice touch, I thought.


It’s short and sweet as a whole. I love when someone points out a series as a favorite too. And yea that’s classic power play amazon move...